
There's another great app that links with one's Audiogalaxy account for free. For those who don't know what this is, let me explain. Audiogalaxy is a free service, just out of closed beta, that allows you to stream your music libraries to any computer with a browser and to either your iPhone or Android phone. It

Gah! I hate this as well! You don't want to mute it because you're trying to do something in one tab that requires it. It's worst when I'm taking break from writing a research paper where there are about 20+ tabs open that I am scared to death to close.

I'm in the market for a new unlocked device. I'm really starting to consider WinMo 7 as a good option. Hopefully the Dell Venue Pro will come in an unlocked flavour.

@datsunzep: Yikes! You're right about that—Hospitals and classrooms, those places I take caution. I do wash my hands a lot and use a hanky to open doors and such, which is another good piece of advice to prevent it getting on your hands in the first place!

@DrunkenOstrich: Ha-ha! Priceless that time mark. Does anyone else wonder why there is a PSU in his kitchen sink?

Most isopropyl bottles sold in stores are 70%, if you water it down to about 20% or so, it's a lot less harsh on devices. I use a watered down solution to clean my fountain pens as well as my iPod Touch. I do use the full strength for my keyboard, trackball, and PS3 controller. Though, I do it to remove all the

@seki: True that brother *fist bump*

@badmoon: It's a great camera, and should take the crown for the cameras on the smart phones for a good year or so. Even the test shots from Nokia—awesome. Even lacking the noise, the main fault to the N900 camera.

Hmm, it would have been awesome to see the Nokia N8 in there—that new camera is awesome but I'd love to see it up against other. Before anyone wants to call me out and say it's not available, the black model can be bought right now directly through Nokia while all other colours are still on pre-order in the US.

@cruzer555: I do admit, I'm quite ignorant. I do have one Zippo lighter for camping, but I don't fill it. Thanks for the correction though.

I have a velvet cloth thrown over some poles for the background, and I set the object on top of a well polished dark wooden table. I only sell vintage cameras, so it looks extremely well.

Thanks for posting this! Ha-ha!

Everyone should own one, I've four different ones around the house. One of them is a small one cup rice cooker, perfect for any dorm room.

It's all about Exofficio undergarments. They are seriously the best. Quick drying, don't hold an odour, and best of all are very cool.

Ah man! That's really sorry to hear, but I too have had my share of writings lost on an iOS device. From now on, I just copy the whole body of text every now and then. Still, since I've made the switch to SimpleNote not a single document has vanished, and they have always synced correctly.