trevor patrick

did the animation have a vague F is For Family vibe to it? While the framing device felt more like “Murray saves christmas.”

we finally got to the fireworks factory

I’m assuming some of this was fake or they smoothed things over with shell, because faking a corporate public townhall has to be some kind of crime.

i don’t understand how anyone could live in LA and trust the news. It seems like half the stories were just part of nathan’s schemes.

maude eh?

so, have they brought in jerry stiller as leah remini’s father yet? If not, why not? Also, kevin should have a job again, though not a cop, because come on, him? No, he seems more like a package delivery man. Also, what’s patton oswalt doing, he seems like he could add something to the show.

meanwhile, fans of Louis CK are already preparing their excuses, defenses of the man and attacks on his accusers.

anyone else think that when marge was at the single’s condo she slept in a racing car?

My concern is that the show is coming very close to committing the same sin that doomed power puff girls 2016, forgetting the core premise of the show. Ducktales hasn’t gone that far yet, especially considering that unlike PPG, it actually did a full reboot, we still need to be reintroduced to key characters,

“I have the buyer’s remorse”

i wonder how many of the pizza throwers also threw fits over the schezwan sauce. seems like there’d be some overlap

not to be a pedant, but isn’t fraiser’s technically an end theme?

the sad thing is, the real michael richards probably would have gone along with this if they asked.

can’t the creators of anything good be decent people? Seriously, the bar’s not that high.

he pretty much is the heart of mike tyson mysteries, which is kinda ironic.

Seems about right. This is why i’m glad Michael Crighton isn’t alive now, because based on some of his books he would have become a scott adams style alt-right person.

Yeah, that’s my least favorite episode tbh. Even people who don’t care about the sexism should be disappointed that a show that thrives in turning tropes on their heads did such a by the book episode. Futurama did this twice, duckman did this, lots of shows did it and they’re all the same.

There was probably another line written for beth and they went back and changed the audio but kept the animation.

I’m going to work on the thesis to this later, but let me just say that while I understand that harmon and roiland don’t like the sexist fans they’ve attracted, which is understandable, no one does, the show, knowingly or not, does a lot to attract and feed such fans. From its themes, to how the characters are

The whole government thing with the president seemed like it would have worked a bit better last year. Granted it’s not their fault, no one saw trump coming, but some of the writing falters more than if literally anyone else had been elected.