trevor patrick

I maintain it’s a clone beth. Jerry being with a fake beth has been foreshadowed before with the computer simulation beth in season one’s shamalians episode and season two’s mortynight run with the person in the beth suit. He wasn’t “with her” in the same sense each time, but having jerry being around a fake beth has

that poor anime tina, so many creepy pervs are going to waifu her.

BTW is there a reason this article didn’t show up in the TV section? I had to find it on the front page.

I love the idea that ma beagle is a mob boss, it’s a really good angle on her character.

the lack of scrooge thus far does seem a little concerning, especially since he’s only had one real adventure since the show started, the atlantis one. They don’t all have to be racecars, lasers and airplanes, but very few have been so far.

maybe it would have been too easy, but I was hoping that one of the groups of BBs would be in the art style from the first show and be called “the originals” or something.

blame the writers, it’s not like remini planned this. Also, they better find a way to shoehorn jerry stiller in this.

Okay, the more I think about it, the more this all being a punishment for michael makes sense. The Good Place (the neighborhood, not The Good Place the show) has failed so many times because it’s fundamentally unsound. It has a fatal flaw that cannot be countered, the fact that there’s a pain threshold. At some point,

My guess is sean already knows this failed and figures that Michael’s best punishment is to spend eternity trying to make it work

The good thing is that it hasn’t become too ignorant of the new era, but it’s clear that maybe reviving a show that was running on fumes when it first ended wasn’t the best idea.

The laugh track might not have been so bad if they didn’t force it every other word.

Regarding the theory that jerry will date the (likely) beth clone, it’s arguably been foreshadowed. Beth has been with two fake beths already, first the computer generated one from M. Night Shaym-aliens! And the person in the beth costume from Mortynight Run.

I read rick’s friendliness as understanding that Beth was now a clone and he didn’t want the kids to realize, so he was going along with the situation to distract them with things like pizza. Though a rick clone would explain why he killed the alien to help Jerry.

Not only that, but they shouldn’t be surprised they get asshole alt-right style fans when they non-ironically use terms like “beta-male” that have become common terms for the worst people on the internet. Between that, their whole “don’t tell me I can’t say retard!” spiel from season one and other reddity shit it’s

that screenshot for “rule 23: no one is above the rules Donald” is going to be very useful for the next few years.

Last year I watched saddles for the first time and aside from the use of the n-word, it just seems so tame. Like a slower episode of family guy from the first 3 seasons.

Last year I watched saddles for the first time and aside from the use of the n-word, it just seems so tame. Like a slower episode of family guy from the first 3 seasons.

A big problem with this premise is that we live in a world where comedy has been influenced by blazing saddles. The idea of throwing jokes at the wall to see what sticks, not caring too much about continuity or even logic as long as the joke’s funny and rapid fire word play has become a part of many shows today due to

Rick is a worse person than Jerry. While Jerry is doubtlessly a burden, it’s because he’s incapable of doing many things and doesn’t mean to be a burden. Rick meanwhile can do anything to the point of basically being a god within the show. Yet he drags his family down with him. The best example of this would be the

what kind of movie is beauty and the beast in their world? If it’s human gets turned into animal, that feels racist (imagine a movie where a white guy is turned black and must find love to be white again). Or is the beast some kind of creature that doesn’t exist as an animal.