
One thing that has mystified me is the "David turning evil" summation we're getting. It feels incredibly inaccurate. My wife and I basically believe that Season Two doesn't show David becoming evil and much as it shows how Farouk's machinations cause the team to force him into increasingly desperate acts that could be

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

4k (I only have a 1080p screen but good to futureproof) Warcraft 2 would be amazing. Sort of like what they did with Starcraft.

Candy Corn. So gross. Stale when made. No flavor at all other than nondescript sweet overload. The kind of shit they feed you in Byzantine underworlds. Good & Plenty is vile as well, good call.

Her mother didn’t say she “came close to starving to death”. Making stuff up about what other people say is dishonest.

Lets not equate the network doing an investigation and putting him back on the air to him being innocent or Dykstra lying in her post. I don’t think I can in good conscious watch Hardwick anymore or listen to his podcast. It’s fucked up all around.

As someone who bought all the other blurays day 1, I’ve been waiting forever for this. On the one hand, I was starting to lose hope that it would ever release...On the other, given how slow 3.0 was localized for the US, I’m not getting my hopes up on 2020 for an American release. But it’s something.

There are better things to do with your life than 24x7x365 always telling people how to live their lives.

All this fuss neglect that you don’t actually have to care that people find other things enjoyable than you. You can just go on living your life.

I’m a victim of the Nyko dock killing my Switch’s ability to charge and I’m just telling everyone that you need to stop using that dock immediately. Even if you’ve been using it and it hasn’t caused a problem, you are playing with fire by using this dock.

Well, unfortunately mom has to get the clothes out of the dryer in the basement and that’s right behind my sweet gaming rig. She says boobies is bad. I’ve complained about being 40 and how I should be able to look at what I want. But she just goes on and on about it being her house and me getting a job, blah, blah. So

Fire in the (motherfucking) Sky. I sneaked this movie at a far too young age and it still haunts me. This is the reason why aliens freak me the fuck out. Never getting this out of my nightmares.

You already nailed it.

I’m still holding out for a movie.

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

This is the default for me.

Honestly, at this point I’d take any sort of non-mobile, non-MMO Star Trek game. But if we’re being choosy, I’ll go for...

I think it’s because us 80's/90's kids are sick and tired of that reality tv crap. So instead of trying to find good new shows, they’ll rehash the old ones. It also serves as a reminder of how much “better” we had it then compared to our dumpster fire Pres. :/

Parks and Rec is the superior show.