
Why did I have to come this far down to find the most obvious answer?!?

I thought Egon killed himself so the Terror Dog couldn’t take his body and release the other trap. It’s not really spelled out well, but he died of a heart attack, and the PKE meter goes taser mode right has he is grabbed in the chair. I think he shocked his heart to cause an attack before he got taken. My take on it.

I’m an office worker, currently working from home. I work for a large hospital system remotely in Marketing and Communication. I’m really struggling to create boundaries with my boss on when it’s work time and when it is not. Especially during after hours and on the weekends. My boss feels the need to be available

I know that CannedWater4Kids uses a 16oz aluminum bottle for their water. So, you have a cap on the go for the water.

I’m right there with you. Still 8+ years between movies. 

I didn’t see the original release, but the re-release in 1985, I was 5 at the time. And it’s supposed to be a magical movie, but also my five year old brain couldn’t handle E.T. lying face down, almost dead in the river. And topped with the government entering the house with the mom screaming, E.T. is screaming, and I

I made a similar mistake that drove me crazy. Mentioning the tiny plugs for power button, USB front ports, etc. I thought I had put them in correctly and when I went to turn it on for the first time... nothing. But the board and everything had power, but wouldn’t turn on.

Checked everything and finally I noticed I had

Exact same boat as you. I wasn’t too excited about the CrashPlan Small Business option, as it was discounted for about a year at $3 per device then shoots up to $10 per device or $120 a year. I’m really bummed that they have decided to turn their back on the Home market.

And probably coupled with the fact that most leases have legal language that strictly prohibit the new owner from using the car for Uber/Lyft. So, you get that fancy new car thinking it’s a cash cow, but suddenly you could lose your lease at anytime for breaking the terms of it.

I think most insurance companies are

Half-Life 3
Portal 3
Team Fortress 3

It feels like even since Valve announced co-creation of the Vive that would want to capitalize on that with their own strong game brands. I could see them dropping one or all three on us without much notice. Play Half-Life 3 now on Vive (or Vive 2) for the best experience. You’ll

Doug Jones is a new alien. Awesome choice.

Agreed. I would love to see a series do the first book, then jump to God Emperor of Dune. Nothing against the 2nd and 3rd book, but I found Leto II story way more interesting and the time jump too.

Yup, yup, yup. I played Destiny right up until the part where you have to grind away to get slightly better weapons and gear. I was done. Other games to play then grinding away.

It did get away and was found in a farmer’s field like 50 miles away. Farmer didn’t know what to make of it at the time.

I liked Season 1, but it definitely had some low points and filler episodes. They did 16 episodes when it could have been done in 10 or 12.

$399. Same price as a PS4 or XB1. I feel like there are better cheaper ways to get this, but I guess you are paying for none of that hassle.

I'm also looking forward to the sequel. I just love stories in this universe no matter how strong (Aliens) or weak (Alien Resurrection) they are.

Now with a lot of the developers/publishers (Activision Blizzard, Disney, EA) don’t have booths at E3, does this trade show have a point as competitors want to stand out more and not get lost in the hustle?

Maybe, but it seems to be the mix on both Arrow and The Flash to have a strong older actor/actress that the younger cast can bounce off of. Jessie Martin is the heart of The Flash. I think Callista is a necessary part of the dynamic of the cast, so I hope the actress or role gets cut.