
Boo fucking hoo. There’s no good reason to go back to office, and your real estate prices are especially not a good reason.

TIE Fighter. Not just my favourite Star Wars game, but my favourite game. I first played it when I was about 10, and it was my first experience of anything beyond the films and really sucked me into that whole world in a way nothing else has quite managed since. The progression of your skills and the respect you’re

I think part of it is also the difficulty of determining the potency of individual plants. Was every plant tested, or just a sampling of the group? Imagine looking at an apple tree & trying to determine the exact sugar content of every apple that tree will produce. I don’t think there’s really an accurate way of

Star Trek Replicator, or GTFO.

Lukewarm take: the show was neither particularly good nor particularly bad.

From home to pro kitchens gas is used because it’s better than the other alternatives especially electric stoves.

Those 3 talking heads are Jay, Mike, and Rich from Red Letter Media. I love them.

How Did This Get Made? covered this 2021! Awesome episode. WHAT’S UP JERKS??

I love that they literally crammed 4 entire movies into High On Life. You can watch Tammy/Tanny & the T-Rex on the TV, Vampire Hookers, as well as Blood Harvest (that fucking clown lives in my head rent-free), and then if you buy the Warp-Disk of the movie theater, you can watch Demon Wind from any seat in the

WoOhOo...... I cAn OpEn CaRrY, bUt I cAnT dRiNk ThE wAtEr, AnD tHaTs ImPoRtAnT tO mE aNd WhY i VoTe RePuBlIcAn!!

Screw Chick-fil-A, I want to work for this mythical company:

Remember when this website used to be about videogames, not random Internet celebrities?

I used to really like Buffalo Wild Wings. Way back when it was BW3. I hadn’t gone in a very long time mostly because there are other places to get pretty much everything on their menu more conviently located to where I live. I went again about two months ago and it was pathetic and bad overall. The restaurant was


Remember: if you see someone shoplifting FOOD, no you fucking didn’t. 

To me it’s not one, like, big thing, but a thousand little things, most of which don’t look too bad on their own, but come together to kill his whole vibe.

You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.

The games are out for November Switch on

“Policing is a difficult, dangerous job”

Hey, good for them. As a fellow with a pronounced schnozz (and the same ancestry as Ms. Slate) myself, I definitely raised an eyebrow at this. But I kinda figured that, along with “Dierdre Beaubeardre”, that all of the white people getting kinda lazy or stereotype-y names was a bit of a meta-joke about Asians being