Friendly Local JingleJangle Dealer

You know the Republicans are putting a bunch of things in the relief bill that have nothing to do with the virus too, right...? 

Are you calling his own tweets and announcements fake news now? Lol, doesn’t surprise me. Anything that makes trump look bad becomes “fake news” to you trumpanzees. Especially his own words...

Funny, we say the same about you trumpanzees. Except you guys are the ones who can fill the entire checklist of signs that you are part of a cult led by a wannabe strongman

It was actually the same chemical, just used for an entirely different purpose. The wife who survived even said that they did it because the president said it could help people, and begged people not to listen to him anymore. So yes- they were stupid, but this what people will do when a leader spreads news of an

Also, adding on to the first poster- not spreading misinformation that gets people killed because they they ingest fish tank cleaner and which caused shortages of the malaria drug due to panic hoarding so that now those with legit prescriptions for *actually proven* uses can’t get it.... not calling it a hoax at

Maybe you should go volunteer at an overworked hospital then if it’s “overblown nonsense” instead of insulting those taking it serious from behind your keyboard. At the beginning of the black plague, people probably thought it was no biggie either... though the fact that there are already tens of thousands dead in a

Don’t take this person serious, they are just another “devil’s advocate”-type troll trying to bait people, they've been popping up here in the grays lately with the typical nonsense.

Who are you even arguing with lol? Nobody claimed it would fix any of those things you rattled off, but go ahead, keep writing your troll-y “devil’s advocate” novels into the grays... it’s amusing how worked up you get over something nobody said

You don't have to click on the links. Nobody is forcing you to leave your safe space.

I was super frustrated how the show barely covered that. He is a predator who coherses women to sleep with him and work for $100 a week. Cohersion is a form of rape. I didn't completely hate anyone in that show except for him.

He got 19% of the vote though... ugh.

Thanks for pointing this out. I was upset for the same reason. The rescue place is non-profit. The others are completely for-profit. They don't breed the animals, either! Also, I wish it had been pointed out more that Doc Antle is running a cult where he coherses young women to sleep with him and work for $100 a week.

If you think both parties are equally bad right now, then you seriously need to educate yourself. Are you blind or a paid troll? I’m guessing a foreign paid troll trying to inspire others to feel the same way and not vote- I’ve heard there are a whole lot of you doing that right now, and I keep seeing it on political

Hi Claus!

I barely knew what LARPing was before this, nor am I interested in it now, but I still found the article engaging and interesting enough that I barely noticed the length until I neared the end. Perhaps you should stick to twitter for your news if your brain hurts after reading more than a paragraph or two? 

I adore long-form articles and journalism. Glad I'm not the only one!

That bit about how he’s made out to be the villain because he’s a white straight male was infuriating, especially how he makes himself seem like a passive-aggressive martyr during that whole bit. Hmm. I suppose we can call him a LARP bro from now on, since he fits the whole “bro” douchebag stereotype quite well...

It’s not that he’s dating other LARPers. It’s the fact that he is dating them while they attend events he’s putting on via the company that he owns. That’s what makes it a bit icky and brings in a power imbalance. 

That’s... not what cancel culture means either. It does sound like what a Republican thinks cancel culture is though...

At least hammers can be useful though...