
The opening of the previous season was much more of a clusterfuck, I'd say, but then it settled into a nice groove quickly thereafter. We'll see how this season turns out.

You guys, stop oppressing Will Smith.

I've never read the books but the original films are so fucking awesome. The sixth one is kinda weak, though.

You've entirely misread what I've written, as I said, even if it did serve as inspiration, it shouldn't matter. That's part of the creative process. Taking a tiny sequence and building on it and out of it is not the same as ripping off wholesale. And a little minor-key, chromatically descending bass-line, arpeggiated

So? Nothing exists in a vacuum. This is how creativity works.

Chord progressions aren't copyright-able.

Even if the tiny sequence in Taurus served as inspiration, it really shouldn't matter. It was only jumping off point, and still the thing was sufficiently changed for it not to be plagiarism. What's more, often, music is more about what one does with an idea rather than the idea itself. Suggesting that Randy

Nothing a stair lift for stairway to heaven mobility can't solve.

I'm only casually into this stuff, but, yes, that scene certainly left its mark.
"I didn't count on being happy."

I take major issue with characterizing any of this as particularly "leftist". Kurosawa is a brilliant artist: it's not left or right; it's thoughtful. The feelings I'm left with at the end of a great Kurosawa film are complicated, not this simple left or right business.

I think the skaters are quite done with Jimmy McGill.

Haha, Okami is what I refer to as "the best Zelda game".

And he could have so easily just used Luke destroying the Death Star, and he would have had something like an argument.

"Word" is stretching it.

There's a sideshow of his storyboards on the DVD. It plays the film's sound along and everything.

Yes, generally, Kurosawa gets bleaker as he goes on. The faith in humanity seems fainter and fainter.

A Kurosawa top 5 is exceedingly hard, because all of those plus Yojimbo, Red Beard, and Throne of Blood feel as though they belong in it.

Ikiru for me; Seven Samurai at #2. Ran's in the top 5, though. Kurosawa is by far my favorite filmmaker, so don't at all take that as a slight.

What argument? I'm agreeing with you. You are good thinker. All should be so socially conscious as you, then our promised land would be now.

Of course, things that happen on television must occur in the exact proportion in which they occur in real life — that makes for good TV. I mean how dare the X Files portray Islamic terrorism in one episode out of 208; it's so discriminatory. Minorities and women can only be depicted as good and empowered; otherwise,