
No feck you, you broke the rules

+1 Kamikazi Chicken

I prefer mine with syrrrpe

I’m sincerely surprised to see a foundation beneath his domicile rather than wheels

Apparently being the Browns QB is akin to being Spinal Taps drummer!!!!!

Nope, you were right on your first assessment, baseball is boring af, how many hours did the dicks actually watching this game have to wait for 30s of excitement


He went full Fitz, you just aren’t supposed to go full Fitz

After a mention of the events leading up to said shootout, and we should sympathize at all with this man because why?? I didn’t happen to get in a shootout on the way home from work, did you? Did you shoot up a joint and go to a Pay n’ Spray to get rid of the cops gta style? What point are you trying

I’m probably going to echo many of the sentiments on this article/thread but this fool be cray cray

Prolonged gyrations?? Hilarious. I can’t believe that term is actually in the rule book, so I counter with asking, had he only done 1 or 2 pumps they’d have not flagged him?? Is judging the length of said gyrations like judging “a football move”?? Oh you old white men in suits, just wow

Definitely CTE, I demand to see her medical records, she isn't healthy enough to be president of anything except her book/cooking clubs

Me too!!!

Jesus can't play rugby

Jesus can't play rugby

Yes the message of this protest is really getting across, it totally NOT about what posture professional athletes assume whilst the national anthem of Murica is playing.

Touché, he must have a douche-y type role model

Holy shitballs, shred that gnar bro

White sunglasses are the epitome of douche, I noticed the same thing

Fuck yo bat