
Ok. Slowly and clearly.

But Why?

Plus, if someone tells me that “it’s curtains for you!” I’ll know to be scared.  If they told me that “it’s drapes for you!”, I might be confused!


I tried to do a clever dig, but man. Fuck you John. Eat shit.

Anyone remember Deep Blue? We should just get them to host Jeopardy

*incriminating evidence of a tryst with Microsoft’s Tay and nazi radicalization ensues*

Except does it have to be a white guy?

Levar Burton is right there, I’m just saying

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

Never lets me down.  

The problem is that there isn’t enough “othering” of these reckless monsters. They need to be pointed out, shamed, and punished for incubating variants and spreading the virus to children who can’t be vaccinated yet.

What the heck does 1080p quality mean??? This projector has a resolution of 800x480.  That’s extremely misleading...

What the heck does 1080p quality mean??? This projector has a resolution of 800x480.  That’s extremely misleading...

This is NOT a 1080p projector.  This is 480p.

This is NOT a 1080p projector.  This is 480p.

She told police she’s been going through some “trials and tribulations”

A poison.. that comes with a great tax break, special breaks at work and school, and big helpings of good ol’ cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.

Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

it’s easy to present this as some kind of individual moral failing, but doing so actually allows it to continue. It’s not a personal failing, it’s what our society tells us to do. This is capitalism, baby. Consider: a better lawyer costs more money. Everyone knows rich people can get away with more. The long and short

Having seen it twice in theater - just to see if I this fancy new 3D thing added ANYTHING of value that I missed in 2D to help me understand the hype over it - I can say Avatar has absolutely Zero re-watching value.

Can you get Twitter on a Jitterbug phone?