
Tweedledum and Tweedledumber

Can there be any doubt that Don Jr. and Eric are Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee?

Yep. Both I, and another tech, accidentally misidentified it earlier, but Yep. Digi Green

“It’s a trap!”

Excellent, but minus points for using season 1 uniform and no rank pips.

That’s Admiral Windsor to you!

Why is the Queen wearing a shirt with Kellyanne Conway on it?

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho surely seems smarter than the president we’ve got.

I think we are official hitting the point where the movie Idiocracy actually is about a smarter future then what we got  

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

Is the formula Brush your X with Bacon Grease before Y” not universal?

Yo, shitheel, tell that to the family in the SUV mistaken for a motorcycle.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Timbs or Doc Martens?

Comply or die is exactly the problem. Now fuck off.

Man, what happened to you? I’ve seen you around for years and don’t remember you being quite this.. unhinged? You got that brain eating amoeba or something?

Go to Brietbart and whine there like a bitch. YAAAWN!

and make the Americans pay for it!

You do know that Roger Stone can be tried for crimes other than the seven for which he was convicted, yes?