
It’s a nice notion, but it’s not going to happen. Eight short years after the calamitous presidency of George W. Bush, we elected Trump. There are goldfish with greater appreciation of the past than many American voters.

I mean, maaaybe? Except that we’re certainly not flipping the House or the Senate in 2018 (the number of Democrats up for re-election in the Senate is far, far more than the number of Republicans, and they have a very strong House majority while gerrymandering makes it hard to flip more than a few seats) and that

My glimmer of hope is he’ll dissolve and melt down into a blooping, oozy pool of orange goo that will represent the antithesis of the primordial soup, then we can study it and learn more about the origins of life.

Ha ha! But probably more like:

I bet Joe had something to do with this. He probably just unscrewed all the bulbs so none of the switches appear to work.

I am hoping that before they left, the Obama’s installed in the White House three animatronic ghosts programmed to visit Trump on Christmas Eve.

Over the QB who broke the Super Bowl record for passing yards, threw for2 touchdowns, and orchestrated a 25 point comeback in the super bowl. Ok.

The Atlanta Falcons: Confirmation that the South will never rise again

I don’t like Tom Brady, you don’t like Tom Brady.

Right there with ya buddy. Keep on keep’n on. :)

If you have them down, you best fucking kill them

I say that as a Pats fan

“This is the sort of thing that haunts a city for a long, long time. And it should!”

I’ve been a loyal Democrat and Patriots fan since the 70's. Too late to change either. This one of the greatest days ever. Maybe it will help get me out of that funk I’ve been in for 3 months now.

Right? I live up here, tons of my friends are Pats fans, not one of us voted for Trump, every NE state went for Clinton.

I’m already happy as hell, but this makes it even better.

It is funny how Trumpsters are taking this win as their own....even though the team represets the bluest area of the country.

Waah. He’s a goddamn football player. He’s an amiable doofus. Had the Pats lost it wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference in Trump’s policies or the country at large. Trump is solely concerned with himself, a football game makes no difference to him.

Take solace in this. Trump reportedly left his own party in the 3rd quarter because he was unhappy. He only saw the Patriots losing, and as soon as he left the Patriots turned it on.

Bernie would’ve won.

I don’t know how the Patriots did it. But there I was, cheering for them like the Russians cheering for Rocky at the end of Rocky IV.