
Well, I’m 50+ so...

But Why?

Does anyone really use this? I have gotten maybe 3 FB messages in the last year and I find it really annoying when I do. What advantage does this messaging system have over just texting someone or, if both parties are on iOS, iMessaging them? What is the advantage that would outweigh the huge downside of having FB

Actually, I would have to look up the numbers, I suspect that electrifying the rail lines would be diminishing returns at the very least and more likely less efficient as most of the engines moving freight around are electrically driven anyway and the diesel is only use to create the electricity to power the electric

I agree that it is a total train wreck, but I don’t seem to have the problem of not being able to look away... which is the only way it differs from an actual train wreck for me.

Calling it a Libertarian Paradise” doesn’t make it sound any better. Libertarian is usually what conservatives call themselves when they want to sound edgy or they are too ashamed to be called republican.  

NH is the worst state in New England. They are the south of the north. Like Georgia that borders Canada. It’s where New Englanders go if they want to be MAGA heads but don’t want to move out of patriots territory. It’s mostly northern red necks.

But shipping between ports is slow and wouldn’t lower prices at all. Also helping strangthen unions is one of the best ways to help the poor. Better wages and better working conditions is better for everyone but especially the poor. Rail is also the most efficient way to move cargo around. What we need to do is

I think the real power converters were the friends they made along the way.

They ruined coffee, so now they want to ruin cocktails as well.  

Yeah, I fucked up and read it wrong.

Yup, read it too fast and my brain filled in the wrong franchise. Must be because Star Trek has been kind of Meh lately. Disco is ok, Picard was ok, Prodigy is too much of a kids show to grab me. Which I why I wanted to make the joke about ST:Orville... alas, I fucked it up.

Wha?!  Star Trek meh?!  What about season 3 of Star Trek: Orville?  Best Trek show in production... ;)

You just proved that you don’t have to buy any specific product to be a complete douche bag. Just make judgements of other people for their choice of product.

Not wanting to be mistaken for an asshole I didn’t get the accessories.…”
