
Yeah, you can get a generator, but you’ll still be in texas.  Not what many people would call an ideal situation.  How long until they just become the Republic of Gilead?  

How did you leave out the Seiko pager watch?!!!

I mis-read this as how to make Jerk Pigeon... Which I guess would be one way to get rid of them.

Yeah, kinda low-class lameness to host a party with Fast food.  Especially for that location.  

Maybe for a pot luck... if you aren’t hosting... otherwise it’s pretty low class.

Also, by the same logic, why blame Microsoft?  If it only happens on the Pixel it’s google’s fault...  The answer is they are both to blame.

Who makes Android? Who makes the Pixel? The answer to both is Google. So I guess I should have said Fuck Google. But now you’re just nitpicking.  Either way an app should never be able to crash the emergency calling. 

That should be pretty obvious. It’s their operating system that is allowing a bug to crash the emergency call. Both are to blame. But Android most of all. Their operating system should not allow a bug in an app to effect emergency calling... ever.  That’s just unacceptable.  So, as I said before, fuck android too.

...and android... don’t forget android...fuck them too.

You forgot the most infuriating thing... how to close a video without having to click the screen 6 times in opposite corners.  Or the other one: having the onscreen controls go away in 0.25 seconds making it hard to pause or scrub through.  The on screen controls are just fucking awful.

Kinda not the point of fast food. If I have to make something, I’m going to make something better than a Taco Bell meal. Yeah, it was my favorite fast food go-to, but only when I was having fast food. That only happens when I’m lazy or stuck where real food is unavailable... or I’m high as fuck. I’m not saying that

The downside being that you have to be in Cincinnati to get one. Not exactly worth the trip. But if I happen to find myself there, I might just hit one up. Those were my favorite fast food go-to back in the 90's.

No, they absolutely have not. I would love to have my old favorite, but they currently do not offer it. At least not in my area, and it is listed as not being offered on their website.

Yeah, watched the whole shitty season. Just awful. Worse than I thought it would be from the first 3 episodes. Seriously, how anyone would have green-lit a first season, much less a second, is beyond me.  But at least now I know the show has no real direction and poor characters.  

Actually, I’ve now suffered through 9 episodes because I had nothing else to do today and was curious where they were taking this crap... nowhere so far.  Bullshit religious imagery, depressing, unrealistic backstory, and poorly developed unrealistic characters.  Oh, and a lot of musical cues to make it seem serious.

It doesn’t seem like sci-fi to me at all. More like a fantasy tale with meandering plot and poorly thought out bland characters.  Neat visuals though and with editing and sound design to make it seem like it’s deep and meaningful, people will apparently watch it.

Yeah, this isn’t that. I don’t care if anyone else likes it. More power to them. Hell, I work in film and TV so it’s just more opportunity for me to work. I’m just genuinely surprised that they are making a second season. I watched the first 3 episodes and said “nope” and absolutely forgot the show existed until

The first season was so awful I couldn’t even get past the first 3-4 episodes.  Can’t believe they are making a second season.

Outfits?!.. I guess I didn’t notice that.  Ok.