
I can’t believe you didn’t even mention that Evil-Lyn’s parents tried to EAT HER!!! WTF?!

Take your damn star... you earned it.

Sure, creative investment opportunity whose only viable use would be to launder money.  Hence “How is this not a money laundering scheme?”  

Again, why would poor people need to launder money? They don’t have any to launder. Rich people are the only ones with enough extra money to be suspicious of illegal activity.

That seems more like a confirmation than a denial.  Rich people are the only ones with enough money to need laundering.

How is this not a money laundering scheme?

I may be wrong but aren’t atoms surrounded by an electron cloud and it’s that cloud that repels other electron clouds in opposing atoms keeping them from just passing through each other? Might it be possible to suspend electrons in a magnetic field and control them like in a vacuum tube (CRT). If you wanted to create

Fucking idiots.

No. No no no. Fuck you. NO.... no

Well I just assumed you mistyped, because the thought of anyone in their right mind seriously saying that Windows is more intuitive and less dreary than MacOS is kind of laughable. Hence my comment, but whatever… you do you.

That’s why they need to get closer to macOS. It better and more intuitive. Also cleaner and easier to navigate.  I agree that windows has been dreary for decades, and basically a fucking mess of hidden menus and settings, but at least they are trying to get closer to a good OS like on the Mac.

Yeah, but MacOS is a far superior interface and it’s no wonder they want to emulate it.  

That’s probably it’s best feature.  Making Windows a bit more like MacOS is a step forward.

Well those concerns you have about union executives are non existent in my Iatse local. Our books are clean. But that myth of union corruption is typically just anti-union propaganda put out by big business that want to destroy support for unions. Does it exist, sure. Is it the norm, no. Either way, the unions

There are very few places they can go. The world supply of stages is mostly booked up and many other unions in other industries have voted to support our strike if we have one. There simply isn’t the infrastructure to support a move like just going overseas to shoot everything... unless they want to spend years

Also, there are no more stages available. Seriously, most stages around the world are booked. They could go overseas but will find very little in the way of stages to shoot on, and many other unions have voted to support our strike, so they will find little quarter anywhere around the world. If the AMPTP doesn’t


Fuck Texas.  Build a wall and make texas pay for it.