
Can we just move trump’s wall north a bit and put texas on the other side of it?I’m just done with their bullshit. 

...and still a better movie than Zack Snyder has ever made.

Bull. Not for that price and not better

Name 3 computers that perform better for the price.  This thing outperforms computers priced twice as much and at less than half the power consumption.  

What does having a TNG curve mean? It could definitely use a little more TNG. But it has been getting better since its horrible first season.

Who is this for?  What is the target market for this ugly thing.  First impression is it’s way too glossy.

I suppose any strong Brownian motion producer will do. Better yet, can it make all the molecules in a hostess’ undergarments simultaneously leap one foot to the left?

First, this man doesn’t need abs added to his suit. Second, where is the color?  I get the stealth angle, but damn that’s pretty blah.

You are correct. They are inputs. Although, in the past, inputs and outputs were one way communication channels. HDMI is bi-directional as it can communicate with the source of the video signal for resolution specs, control interface, and audio among others. But the convention does still stand that these should be

Saw that cover photo and thought it was a Mac for a second.

I think that was my real problem with DS9 when it came out. I hated and still do hate the serialization. Babylon 5 was basically a soap opera in space to me. The fact that DS9 was going that direction really made me dislike DS9 when it was on the air. I rewatched it a year or two ago and have a better appreciation

Voyager was better than DS9.  Fight me.

A few other shows to watch for that void of yours: Raising Hope, The Good Place, and Scrubs. All are off the air now but can be streamed from various services. You may have seen all these before, but they are worth a re-watch/binge. Raising Hope got me through the darkest part of my lockdown in 2020.  Relentlessly

Is there a non-google version of that?  I avoid using google products as much as possible.

I know that it isn’t true. Most, if not all racist stereotypes aren’t true, or are just plain stupid... Like fried chicken and watermelon. Who doesn’t love fried chicken and watermelon?! But racists love to create little boxes for the groups they don’t like.  It’s the same thing trump does with individuals.  He gives a black person whose people for the majority of my life has been blamed for all sorts of stupid shit, rise of crime rate, abortion, murder rates, drugs, the de-evolution of TV,...

I would love if we could have people forget about party lines and just vote for the best candidate, but game theory shows that would be a losing strategy in the current system and political climate. The republican base is so easily controlled and conditioned to not only vote for whoever they nominate, but to

Not the american public. Most people voted for Hillary. You are correct about the electoral college though. Amazing how the Republican Party hasn’t come in to office with a majority of voters since George H.W. Bush in 88'. G.W.Bush only remained in office with a majority but didn’t come in to the office with one.

The Pakleds are such a convincing threat because they are represent a large percentage of this country.  Morons with big guns and just barely enough brain power to use them.  Seriously.  The Pakleds are MAGAs, just without the silly hats.  They are a convincing threat, because we see that threat in real life every