
Do we really need any more evidence that this country is becoming an oligarchy?  #latestagecapitalism 

Totally unrelated: When are they going to fix Kinja comments? I check my notifications and see that someone has replied to me, but when I click on that notification it doesn’t bring me to the thread. Just to the top of the story. I have to scroll through comments to find the discussion I was engaged in. Sometimes

Yeah, they kind of breezed past that so quickly in a montage that I didn’t even catch it. Probably in service of not wanting to reveal anything about the aliens until you see them close up in the stairwell, but at the expense of coherent logical plot. Also, she says “throats and abdomens, that’s what you aim for”.

If it were just a little more edge-lord-esque I would suspect it was a Zack Snyder or Michael Bay film. But yeah, that time travel aspect was pretty fucking stupid. It was an example of exactly how not to use time travel to avert armageddon. It’s like no one thought that maybe trying to do something in the past to

Not that good, frankly. The entire premise is flawed and the character motivations seem unrealistic. If you got 2 hrs to kill and have literally nothing better to do, sure it’s ok to watch. Then forget about it and move on. You are not going to want to re-watch, or really even think about the film after. If you do

No shit, right?!

Isn’t F9 “a bit much” on its own? And isn’t a bit much a bit of a fucking huge understatement?!

This tracks.

Yeah. I rewatched Reservoir Dogs a few years back.  Hadn’t seen it since it was released.  I used to love that film, but after a rewatch, not so much.  It just screamed student film... which I guess it kinda was.  Still, I had been having a real problem with how he wrote dialog for while at that point, and haven't

Oh, thank god.

Never had the pleasure. I’ve only worked on Marvel stuff. But as I stated before, I can separate the man from his work. I’ve worked with complete idiot directors who are the nicest people in the world, and I’ve worked with directors who are brilliant, assholes. The point is, he should be kept far away from any IP

“we should give Zack Snyder credit for a fantastic Tweet.”

You are right, he’s probably a nice guy. He just can’t make a good movie to save his life. He also seems to have a hard on for forcing inherently selfless characters in to some objectivist ideal, which is antithetical to the very nature of heroes. Or conversely, turning a caricature of an objectivist ideal

I rank them all below 10% on the tomato meter...but I really don’t care about the order.

You are right, sorry for the typo.  Unfortunately, too late to correct.

Well, that and just awful movies. They guy can barley crack 70% on rotten tomatoes. The guy just can’t make a good movie. Watchmen deserved a great movie, but it’s like he didn’t even understand the IP when he made it.

Jesus, can we all agree that Zack Snyder has no business deciding what is and isn’t “cannon” in the DC universe.  FFS, the guy can ruin IP quicker than Michael Bay.

Ahhhh... ok.  Still, pretty lame name if you don’t know the context.

Legend of voice machine? I’ve never heard of this particular IP, and I am intrigued by the visuals, but what does the title that literally translates to “The Legend of Voice Machine” have to do with the story?