
...the very confused whale.

As someone who is occasionally a department head on films and tv show productions, I can agree 100%. As a key, your crew’s mistakes are your mistakes, their victories are your victories, but always take the blame and give the credit.  If they fuck-up, it’s only because your instructions were unclear, or you chose the

Funny. They changed some stuff from the last trailer I saw.

Funny. They changed some stuff from the last trailer I saw.

This movie is awful. I just watched it and I want my 1:37:58 back. It was a laughably stupid film. Plot holes abound. Physics be damned. Serious waste of time. I found myself laughing during the action scenes which felt like they went on twice as long as was necessary. Please don’t watch this film. If it makes

Since penultimate means, in this context, second best, what would be the ultimate or best sword?  

It is a real pain in the ass to replace credit cards and IDs if your wallet is stolen. If you don’t count the finical loss of replacing the phone, it really is no big deal to replace that stuff in digital form. Sure you are inconvenienced for a little while, but not as long as if you lost the physical IDs and credit

It’s solar.

I don’t think you’re reading what I’m writing at all.”

If you agree that it’s surprising that they would greenlight a sequel to a movie with lackluster reviews so quickly, why are you continuing to argue a moot point?  If we agree on that, why are we still having this conversation?

Funny, I don’t remember Paramount announcing green lighting a Transformers sequel the opening week. What I’m saying is this isn’t a big blockbuster moneymaker franchise like transformers where you can still make tons of money even if the reviews have been mediocre. It’s surprising for a studio to green light a

Well, you would have to adjust that chart for the studio announcing a sequel in the opening week. Like I said, the reviews haven’t been all that great, and they aren’t reviews with an agenda like some can be with a movie with a female lead. Add to that the meh 74% score from rotten tomatoes, which is a pretty good

Really?! You’re not surprised that a movie that so recently came out, and has gotten scathing reviews from NPR, and has C average from rotten tomatoes is getting a sequel announcement already? I mean if it came out and had nothing but positive reviews and a A average maybe they would announce a sequel in the opening

This is surprising considering how bad a review it got on NPR. But it’s got a 74% on rotten tomatoes, which is higher than anything Zack Snyder has ever directed (except Dawn of the Dead) and they keep giving him money and projects, so who knows...

Yeah, I’m kinda surprised they didn’t mention Superliminal in the article. It’s a great game and so similar to this that I thought that this was it’s sequel.

No, you are looking at video taken from the helicopter looking down at it’s own shadow on the ground.

Still totally outrageous.  Just that the outrageous has become the norm among some groups in this country.

You did, that’s why I and others thought you were serious. Hence replying to you as if you were one. If you want to be satirical, you might try being a little more outrageous, but these days that’s almost impossible. We live in the age of the nut-job. They constantly make the onion look like serious news.

These days, no it was not obvious. There are many nut jobs in this country that actually think and speak like that... and worse. Sad but true.