
Jesus, that’s all that’s out there for games. Sick of mmo-rpgs, rt strategy games and retro style fucking anything.  I want a good FPS with a decent story.  I just played HL:Alyx through 4 times because I’ve been jonesing for a decent FPS with a good story.  The game space has been so shitty with all that crap you

He’s looking at that bible like he’s wondering how to get the candy out.

I wonder if RV rentals will be for sale too. I’ve been thinking of picking one up, but the new prices are outrageous.

Better to have left wing trump than trump original recipe.  But I don’t grant your premise that Biden is “left wing trump”. He isn't Berine or Warren, but he will at the very least stop the bleeding.  Which is the first step in recovery from a massive trauma.

Ever tried to play Control on a sunny day?

BTW, this comment is incorrect. They are very afraid of her. It’s why the constantly attack her, and try to paint her as stupid. They know they can’t win in a fair fight with her. Their playbook is pretty predictable. They accuse their opponents of being stupid, and or corrupt. Especially when they themselves are

She is far from stupid. Young, yes, stupid... no. She’s popular because she is motivated and she is actually trying to make a difference and weed out corruption. The last bit is why the conservative media was so quick to attack her and try to paint her as stupid.  Most of the people I’ve seen call her that have

I have. Have you? She is a very bright young woman. Certainly smarter than most republican candidates. Light years ahead of trump. She has a lot of good ideas. Most people who call her stupid only hear what shill pundits like Hanity or Trucker Carlson say about her and see only edited clips out of context to

This is the kinda bullshit I’m talking about.  Trump supporters are fucking the lowest form of life.

Yeah, but republicans aren't that bright.  Look at the morons they elect.

I love this woman so much.  I would totally vote for her if I lived in her district.  Makes me so angry when trump supporters call her stupid.  Hope she runs for president one day.

Wow, no mention of the main things people will be using the money for... food, rent, toilet paper, utilities, bills... etc...

Wow, no mention of the main things people will be using the money for... food, rent, toilet paper, utilities,

Nothing. I don’t get one. I made $100 too much last year to get one. But If I did get one I would buy food with it. There is no splurging right now. There is conserving and rationing.

Nothing. I don’t get one. I made $100 too much last year to get one. But If I did get one I would buy food with

Please, for the love of whatever deity you worship, let this show die. Let’s just consider it something people watched because we were stuck inside with nothing to do, and never speak of it again.
