A proper slice of pizza should, if held by the crust out horizontal, should point almost straight down and drip a little grease on to the plate from the point. Crispy is straight out.
18 tons is a shockingly small amount of stuff. What is that 1 maybe 2 seas containers full?
I’m almost at the end of the game and just now do I learn that you can crouch by using the left stick?! I missed searching every bottom drawer in the game. Just couldn’t reach them. Guess I’ll have to play it through again.
This links to the wrong product. I cant even find the correct product by searching amazon.
This links to the wrong product. I cant even find the correct product by searching amazon.
Looks horrible.
All the Half-Life games are free to play right now.
Trump is a Russian agent. It’s actually true.
That’s impossible. I would have preferred Elizabeth Warren, or Bernie Sanders, but I’ll take Biden. There is no way Biden is as bad as Trump. Simply against the laws of physics.
What?! I mean come on, Bernie Sanders is a sociopath? You gotta be joking. Neither of these candidates are perfect, but I will vote for either of them over the real sociopath... Donald J. Trump. These kind of stories are just here to divide the american people, who will unite to vote out Trump in November. Their…
It makes me sad that NASA had to address this at all.
Like I said, pay it off every month. No interest. Credit score goes up.
So you are comfortable paying someone else’s mortgage and giving them equity instead of paying in to your own equity? All your rent money goes away to someone else. If you own a home that money goes in to your own pocket as equity. It’s like getting a place to live and a savings account for the same money. Sure,…
I still get interest too. I just get it for 30 more days than you do, because of the no interest 30 day loan I get with the credit card. Also, I don’t spend any more than if I were using cash. All you have to do is think of the credit card as a debit card.
Good luck buying a house.
So you would rather let them have $1000 instead of taking their money for free? Seriously, they are going to make that money with or without you, why not take some of it back from them?
I wanted to add that why wouldn't you want another free $1000 per year? I make even more than that from using my credit card to pay all my bills and pay it off every month. I costs me nothing more than a few minutes of setup time.