
Why not? If Pence resigns before the impeachment, then Pelosi becomes president when Trump is impeached and removed from office. Clearly that’s better than having any more republicans in office. Hence the best case scenario. Then RBG could retire and be replaced by Merrick Garland before the 2020 election. I

No, Pence resigns, trump is impeached, Pelosi becomes president.  Best case scenario.

You could just add MSG. I use it all the time. Also pepperoncini is a good way to add flavor and a little heat.

You call it D+.  Does that make Apple A+?  Do we grade on a curve?  

You are nuts. This show was great.  I thought I heard that they were going to bring it back.  They should. Every single thing Arron Sorkin has written is better than almost anything else on TV.  He is simply the best screen writer in Hollywood.

Who gives a shit about the fonts and graphic’s colors?  There is a football game going on in the upper 7/8ths of the screen.  Watch that.

I’m not sure, but I think the beads used align in the visor making it like looking through a mesh, but I can’t say for sure.

Thats a great version. though I prefer the pixelated one.

Go Pats!

Yeah there is. Go Pats!


This guy?:


One could only hope.

Candy crush is still a thing?

This fucking amazes me. I totally can’t believe it. People still play Pokemon Go?! Fake news.

No. The red states can’t survive without the blue states, at least not in the same fashion they do now. The blue states would become the 2nd largest economy in the world. China would be the biggest. The red states would drop to 35th or something like that if they are lucky, and would have no ports on the pacific,

Actually, California grows over 50% of the fruits, vegetables and nuts int the US. They are also the top dairy producer in the country. On top of that, California has aerospace, Silicon Valley, and is it 5th larges economy in the world.  The blue states will be just fine.  The red states will be kinda screwed though

The only way I could stomach High Life, when it was all I could afford in my leaner years, was to put tabasco in it.