Are any of these for Safari? Edit: Yes, at least the first two. Maybe add that to the description...
Are any of these for Safari? Edit: Yes, at least the first two. Maybe add that to the description...
No I fucking don’t... and you can’t make me.
It’ll be ironic when the kid grows up to be a spy.
Don’t play into his BS. This guy is a Russian troll who is just trying to sew division in this country.
Ewwww... I’ll take the crab juice.
“So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)“
I suspect you are a Russian troll trying to divide the country with stupid propaganda. Liberals aren’t really the violent type. It’s kinda our thing. You know, peace, love, and understanding. The only thing we don't tolerate is intolerance... but we fight that shit with words not violence.
Do you have lights on the roof of your car! And a siren? Because if a police officer speeds or runs a red light or stop sign without turning those on they are breaking the law. I think they are supposed to declare that they are doing it on the radio as well, so there is a log. I’ve even seen a video somewhere of a…
Glad you liked it. Pass it on. Also, he has a page, so if you feel like giving them a couple bucks a month to keep up the channel, I’m sure they would appreciate it. You get access to the content before youtube does.
Enjoy. It’s one of his longest videos, but a good one. It’s a great channel. He started this when he was working for When they dumped their entire video section at cracked all the writers/performers went away for a while. One (Dan O’brien) went on to write for Last week tonight with John Oliver,…
You don’t say... Well I’m just shocked! Shocked I tell you!
I’m old.
I find Warren very genuine. I’ve liked her since her first appearance on the daily show.
She’s in there too.
If I could afford to, I would sooooo do that.
I did the same when I bought my Chevy volt. They gave me a 0% interest for 60 months. Then the government (state and federal) gave me $9000 in rebates. When I got the money I invested it right away. Instead of paying down the principal I considered it a free loan to invest and make a few hundred bucks. When I…
“Here’s another tip we’ve written about before: If you leave a passport or other valuables in a hotel safe, pack a shoe along with it, as one British Airways flight attendant recommends. The idea is that if you leave one shoe with your valuables, you won’t leave your room without it, unless you’re generally accustomed…
$6000 and it’s trip is only 2 min shorter than the one in Seattle. Sounds like a deal.