
Watch a grown man eat yogurt for the first time.

1. Fuck you 2. You are lactose intolerant and should stop eating dairy 3. See point 1

I just hope that, if it is about her dad, she didn’t just describe her own mom as “bomb pussy”. Cause that is way worse than describing herself that way.

I have yet to see one that doesn't.

makes me wonder why the fuck you guys at Gawkermedia even bothered to unionize.

Why is this entire comment a parenthetical aside?

Especially given that actual science shows no one probably cheated.

They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?

I wasn't aware having ink put into your skin had anything to do with work effort or studying skills.

Tattoos hardly indicate anything.

Exactly. I mean Im sure this is a funny story for her as well. She got to met him, got pulled up on stage and froze. She is all of us if in this situation. She’s shy she’s not a good dancer. I’m sure if she had made an attempt to dance on stage people would still be sharing this video to make fun of her. The constant

How did she make it all about her? The “joke” had already been circulating wildly from the day before. Doesn’t that mean that everyone else made it about her? Just to make fun of her, under the pretext of “celebrating” Prince.

Who cares? Amazing that people are sharing a video just to laugh at her, but the second she posts an image from it in memory, it’s suddenly self promotion.

You need better memories dude.

It’s entertaining in the same way that an elaborate touchdown celebration while down by 30 is entertaining.

*the hot popular girl in my high school bumps into me in the hallway before shooting me a derisive sneer and going to make out with her football player boyfriend*

You mean the Finals the refs ruined? He shot like 100 free throws in that series. He was getting bailed out over and over again after throwing himself at Mavs players. It was embarrassing.

You know what? You’re absolutely right. She has beautiful hair.