
The song is different, but the moves are the same.

Don’t forget that she never said it “shouldn’t be made,” merely that people keep in mind the context of the author and his well-documented racism.

I wanted to respond with something snarky, but I don’t think this even deserves that. This review of Disney’s remake of their animated film was written by Germain Lussier. Yesterday’s essay about the racism and imperialism in Rudyard Kipling’s writing, including in his original Jungle Book but also in his other novels

Now playing

Can’t show up to the court room with 3 different semens on your panties.

Well that was quick...

Yeah, I thought the same thing. But she started reading it, so she should’ve kept going.

That’s a knee slapper. Or in the case of a 75-80 woman, a boob slapper.

This may help you illustrate your point

That was low hanging crotch fruit.

I want to praise you but it’s kind of blurry and brown looking.

I was always a bit iffy about him surviving the fall in Winter Soldier, but then it twigged that he lands on his shield. Absorbing shock is the entire point of vibranium isn’t it? I can pretty happily accept that as an explanation.

Nope. Hate Bill, and Hillary has my vote in November. I can separate the two, and Bill is an asshole.

So dumb. So great. So +1.

When reached for comment, Raymond Usher denied any involvement in the fight. “I just want to make love in the club.” Asked to clarify the location he responded, “In the club.” Asked to expand on that statement he refused, simply saying, “In the club.” one more time.

Or you could just trade it in to a dealer and avoid all of that hassle.

At the same time, there are plenty of people who believe they aren’t racist but actually are. See: “black friend” defense. The real point is, though, that even as imperfect as “racist” might be, it’s the closest you can get to a term that is as offensive in implication as a racial slur directed at a minority.

Even “honkies” has almost no effect. You really want to make white Americans experience what it feels like to be the victim of a stereotype based purely on the color of their skin, make a shirt with a white cartoon face that says “Racists”.