
I see the customer catching a lot of flak for not getting everything perfect up front. But we have to ask ourselves, “if the sheet he signed wasn’t binding, then why did the dealership make him sign it, especially with that hand-written portion?” If that document doesn’t bind the dealer, then I can’t think of a reason

Having to apologize and getting nothing in return usually means you were in the wrong.

Kanye randomly enters the stage:

I need this kind of tough love in my life.

“You are the biggest idiot on this thread.”

Rarely does one see a sentence that by its very posting immediately defeats its premise.

“There’s too much teeth in my blow job.”

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

We were warned gay marriage would lead to this.

“Tom knows Bill is the best coach in the league, but he’s had enough of him. If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”

If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”

Running Marshawn at the goalline is slightly different than trashing Wilson.

People seem to be missing the best quote in the piece:

It’s good to see they’re protesting.

History is going to be very kind to Randy Moss. Extremely thoughtful statement in the current climate of anthem madness.

This is the correct take. Werder’s implied racism is bad and dumb, and it ignores the generational socioeconomic imbalances that cannot do much even if people have “more and better parenting”. If you grow up in a shitty environment with the best parents you very well might turn out to be a shithead! Parents can only

Your comments are right on.

The whole “the black community needs better parents” is so fucking racist and tired. 150 years ago we couldn’t HAVE parents or families because we were slaves and any children you had or whoever you loved could be sent wherever, whenever. So this whole “you need to have a nuclear family like us whites” is just so

Ed Werder looks like the guy who eats alone at Mexican restaurants and calls the waitress by her first name and says “por favor” when asking for more chips.

“Good parenting would prevent children’s injuries, TROY!”

Come on, guys. Stop kicking a dead horse! When will old white men finally get to speak their minds and make uninformed decisions about anything and everything without all the ridicule and scorn!