
He actually said it’s NOT an excuse. Besides, haven’t you ever wanted to beat a woman after the death of a nephew? Don’t act like you haven't.

Ok. He should get paid more.

It’s a lace front.

I blame Portland for this

I love that KLove scoop pass so much I want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant.

Fuck it, call me cynical: for a guy that’s been urged to do the dunk contest for 10+ years, I’ve never seen him do a dunk that makes me believe he’s capable of even pulling off a 9 in said contest, yet every single jam he throws down gets hyped. Yeah, it was impressive, and yes, you guys don’t do this shit as much as

Real Talk

+1 hour of watching naked fat/ugly people with dick in hand waiting for someone hot to show up so I can finish the job circa 1996

Real Sports is easily one of my favorite programs on HBO. Way better than Real Sex.

Lebron is actually playing the really long game. He came back to Cleveland specifically to get them to trade away a #1 overall pick and bring on the turd that is Kevin Live while also resigning Thompson in the hopes of tanking the franchise long term. All so he can go to the only team that matters this off

Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.

I should not be, but I am dying laughing at this comment. The second ‘sweet’ might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back here.

Also, the reporter after the answer:

This is such bullshit.

Yeah, that’s why Jay Cutler was bad. It’s all about to turn around now

Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them.

there you go again, using logic and reason!