
Hil seems desperate to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

is this satire

Every time I hear a Bernie supporter say they’ll stay home in November if he loses or WORSE would vote for Trump instead, I want to set my hair on fire. Or theirs. It depends on the kind of day I’m having.


Missed one:

I want pictures of Spider-Man! Get me pictures of Spider-Man! He’s a menace!

No problem.

*That 2 second timeframe before your video loads where you see your reflection in the computer monitor*

I have literally never heard a non-white person say this. I have heard a *lot* of white people say it.

I thought it was pretty funny.....but im black. So I guess its more appropriate for me to allow a white person to tell me if I should find it funny or not.

The “I don’t see race” thing is a trap for you guys. See, it really seems like the total embodiment of judging one by the content of one’s character and not the color of their skin. It’s a nice notion and it totally looks great on paper.

Actually, it’s more of a subtle way of saying “I’m white and and the world is good to me and I’m uncomfortable dealing with this shit, so can we just not today?”

I think Dennis Rodman, of all people, clarified “n-word” privileges as regards white people: if you, hypothetical white person, know a black person, work with them closely, and are good friends with them, you may, eventually, have n-word privileges WITH THAT ONE PERSON.

this is so great. going viral is like winning at fantasy sports. nobody you know cares except you. and some strangers you can talk to online. and you know that. but goddammit you can’t help but talk about it at the first lull in the conversation.

Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

I can’t decide what is more depressing the fact that you own a “Target golf polo” or that you decided to admit to this shameful fact.

Quick question: how expensive does a suit have to be to cost more than the value of a car driven by a man in a “Target golf polo”?