
Clearly anyone spelling Fucking “fucken” is deranged as all get out.

I don’t think she was endorsing Kasich. She tweeted this too...

Jenna Fischer just broke my heart.

You’re not — turn down the persecution complex, dweeb.

Because the people saying “all lives matter” don’t actually believe that. “All lives matter” is another way of saying “stop paying attention to black people’s problems”.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

You mean ask why “Like Magic Mike,” a cross-over movie where Bow Wow puts on Channing Tatum’s old g-string and becomes an amazing male stripper, never happened.

I appreciate that he just wore long johns for this interview. It’s like when I try and pass a slip off as a dress or a sarong as a skirt.

Whatever man. Having a bunch or really insanely nice and cool cars doesn’t mean you have a small dick. I’m sick of this shit. I drive a really awful car and my dick is small and bad.

jesus christ, is there anything a new englandler won’t be insufferably provincial about?

For starters, she needs to be more vocal and apologetic about her very recent wrongs against the black community such as taking donations from prison lobbyists until last October (after she announced her candidacy). If one can not fully acknowledge their wrongs we should not have faith they will be able to right them.

First things first. You need to quit your jobs and give away your life savings to one of us. Then work for my family as a cheap nanny while we laugh at how you look like mayonnaise. Ok I’m jk.

On the day after video of Bernie Sanders being arrested for his participation in a civil rights protest surfaced, Hillary comes out with a soundbite that’s so crafted and tailored it could be a Jezebel Think Piece.

I’m interested to hear her plans for undoing the effects of the 1994 crime bill that her husband signed and she supported. Bill Clinton had the largest increase of inmates of any president in history - most of them black and latino men. His support of the 100-1 sentencing disparity between crack and cocaine was also a

My mother once told me I was the ugliest baby she ever saw. And then followed up with ‘You look fine now though’.


Disagree. I look back at pictures of my own son sometimes I think eeek... yikes that was an interesting phase

So you are telling me that I should forfeit thousands of dollars in savings because of a “what if”?