
I think it’s important to distinguish between the short sleeved dress shirt and the short sleeved button down shirt.

She’s probably just never been that close to a synthetic turkey neck.

“The announcer (not Ronde Barber) then said that Adrian Peterson had responded by saying Abdullah needs to suck it up.”

I thought the same thing. I mean, I get the concept behind the logo but it looks like something more belonging on an airline aircraft than a political campaign. In fact, I looked through airlines that begin with H on Wikipedia and it looks very similar to the H on the tail of this Hazleton airlines tail!:

Your short bus has arrived.

Agreed- it does feed into the God complex. AND, that qualification also implies that the bad cops are a tiny minority, when history (recent and otherwise) has shown that the number of shitty cops is far higher than anyone is willing to admit. Are there good cops? Of course. But they don’t need to be praised when

You make a good point. Also, Can we drop the requirement that cops have to be praised for doing their job every time one shoots, kills, maims, or sexually abuses someone? It’s eerie that even the mildest statement like Vince’s has to be qualified with praise for cops. It’s part of the problem for me. There’s this

And that very may well be the case! But that is a lot of text up there for what you were able to cover in two sentences. And I love Vince too: he is, by all accounts, a great guy. I just think it would have been better not to let the reporters press the issue if he hadn’t had a chance to gather his thoughts, rather

I read the lack of substance as more of a “I’m going to use this as a platform to speak, once I spend time with the family, gather more information, and collect my thoughts. However, all I’m saying right now is this fits a trend we’ve seen, and I will speak more directly to it when I’m prepared rather than speaking

Fair enough- I was being a glib dick, and I appreciate you calling that out. And you’re right that being hounded by a phalanx of reporters with on-the-spot questions does not generally make for great oratory.

I suppose you get the same response when you take your shirt off.

Frank Caliendo has technical gifts (like a chef with great knife skills), but he lacks anything resembling the creativity that it requires to earn a Michelin star.


But Carson IS a muttering nutbag. There are no other words for it. Therefore, Erin’s writing is just fine. QED. Thanks for playing.

Think about the Ethics in Journalism, Erin. For Pete’s sake.

To be honest, only stupider readers are that easily distracted.

”you seem to be a pretty decent writer”... However when you utilize patronizing insults as a windup, it seriously detracts from any point you are trying to make.

It’s not an insult if it’s accurate, such as when you say, “Ben Carson is a muttering nutbag.”

Thanks for the feedback, Eatmeslowly.

Nitpicking on a humorous blog post with a tongue in cheek tone seriously detracts from any point you are trying to make.