
Feel better now?


Oh, you’re an asshole. My bad. I thought you were actually interested in Intersectionality.

As a white woman and a feminist I’m gonna go ahead and say yes, all white women. All white women, including feminists, have expressed racism or passively and knowingly accepted the benefits of racism at some point in their lives. We live in and benefit from a racist society, so yeah. All white women. If you don’t want

I didn’t say all. If the statement doesn’t fit you, then shut up because it’s not meant for you.

I’m female, fyi.

The things that White women/girls get away with are astounding. No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.

I think it’s more like a celebrity endorsement. No one thinks Michael Jordon created Nikes.

The article you linked to is Jezebel calling out another site for a white woman giving African tribal makeup tutorials. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess the white woman giving said tutorials is not of African descent. These woman, on the other hand, appear to be of African descent. Big difference.

Right? That’s why there is one holiday per month during the winter- to help you survive the monotony and gloom.

How is it that white women keep pulling this shit? Identifying that WOC and young girls of color have to face specific issues does not, in any way, undermine the idea that ALL women have to face issues.

Yeah, that was some #alllivesmatter bullshit...

Oh Christ, it’s the Patricia Arquette bullshit all over again; the asinine idea that women of color speaking up about discrimination against people of color is somehow bad for women in general.

It’s Alexis from General Hosptial and omg twitter came for her !

This was my reaction - I love Orphan Black so much but I was like “No this is right. This is better.” Although then my boyfriend said something stupid and I had to kind of have a teaching moment... But I’ve been on the receiving end of enough teaching moments to know it’s not so much about the stupid comment and more

And the shitty show!

You listening, Patricia Arquette?