
Sure. But understand that when you say “a culture which African Americans grow up in,” what you’re really saying is “a culture which has developed around a people who have had legal and economic systems enacted against their very beings.”

Gawker sites have, as much as anyone in the sane portion of the country, pimped the Hillary Clinton email non-scandal.

This site isn't required to be unbiased.

Yea that bugged me too. Like “WOAH everyone I can flame this guy on twitter but you guys totally shouldnt”

Unpopular Opinion: What Rannazzisi did was creepy (and likely indicative of a mental illness of some sort) but what Davidson did was pretty harsh.

Yes she does appear to rock. But remember guys that the very hardest thing for any human to do weather it be the King of Zaire or Matt Damon is to give up any power. Power is something people don’t share - ever. Never after never nafter kids. So don’t expect to get some diversity rap that is inclusive when you’re

I have to ask.. What would your response be if this was in fact the correct guy

“Make America Great Again!"

“reasonable takedown” of an innocent man, who was standing still, minding his own business. There is no “reasonable” takedown here. You fucking idiot.

If there is a just god in this universe, she was yelling “What are thooooooooooooooose?!”

Even if its illegal this one would chalk up as a missed call on par with a missed holding penalty, not cheating


They never left.

Really? I love basically the whole album. I can listen to it straight through and just fall into it. That’s uncommon for me with most albums these days.

Sorry, restaurant experience here too and you can have all sorts of bacteria IN the restaurant from badly prepared food as you can FROM the restaurant. We’ve become such a germophobic society, no wonder illnesses we thought were rare are making a comeback.

The people who make the “Sharapova is just more attractive” argument are hilarious. Maria could play an entire match naked and it wouldn’t get as much attention as Serena did when she wore that catsuit.

This is a good point. One of them caters towards the stereotypical tennis player and sex symbol. One does not. Marketing, typically, does not want to be the one to rock the boat.

Ahh, yes. Sample size. The last refuge of a scoundrel; specifically, one that doesn’t know any stats, math, or, really anything, except how to clamp himself to the ass of his Corporate Masters like an eel.