Trent Hacker

Dude.....Just buy a modern mountain bike. 

Disparaging others is never ok. It happens to happen to POC and Women predominantly. But as they say, two wrongs don’t make a right. And something something strawman/what-about-ism.
Dealing with each infraction on it’s merits and using logic is the only course of reasoning. And again, prejudice is never right,

The lady definitely seems outlandish, however, why is it bad for her to sound off against muslims, yet it’s ok for others to disparage white, old men?

Is it your life’s ambition to own a broken-down, non-running vehicle on every continent?

For real. There is literally video evidence of this person damaging the cameras which is why they were arrested. Yet this crap gets posted to a car blog to spread the woke narrative.  

Wow, this article demonstrates so much wokeness! And super original!

Absolutely agree with you. This “protest” bullshit and the way the media portrays these people as being civil and non-violent is a crock and is really getting out of hand. What’s even more worrisome is that there are some who actually believe that narrative.

What a joke of a site. I guess all arrests are now known as kidnappings. I also love how they say he wasn’t read his rights as if they were inside the van. Here are the facts from the times. “Ms. Stone was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and making graffiti, the police said. She was released early Wednesday

Let’s check with The Urban Institute for some data and graphs. The report:

“But poverty is necessary to sell capitalism, it’s an essential part of unregulated capitalism.”

damn that wagon is not half bad looking

I know this sounds crazy, but maybe if the mayor of Portland grew a pair and stopped the rioting in his own city; then the President wouldn’t be forced to send in Federal Police to do the job he seems incapable and unwilling to do?

Look - one of my neighbors has two inoperable vehicles on their property. Random parts on and off the cars all the time. I don’t care. I wrench in my driveway. No one complains about it at all. No one complained when my 500 Abarth sat for 4 months, and I would never complain about a car here and there.

Found the renter.

Wait until you own property.

Nothing really tacky about this. If it had big ass 22" rims and stretched mud tires I’d agree but this is completely functional so not really seeing the problem

Wow, this article is pretty negative, why so? Shouldn’t more effort be put towards the critical side of things? Isn’t this the problem with the world today, all this negativity and destructive intent???

If you are familiar with Paypal’s history, Musk was the person who fought the ebay sell till the very end. He lost because as ebay raised the price, his supporters left and he didn’t have enough shares to block the vote.