Trent Hacker

Seriously.  It’s no coincidence that the recent lack of effective policing has been followed by a surge in brazen violence.

I am referring to the proposal in this post that Ford stop building police cars. That is, frankly, idiotic.

They can call for it. And Ford should ignore them.

I am with you 100% on those issues, but what does that have to do with building cars? This is why the Left usually never gets anything done. They can’t focus on the problem long enough to fix it. They always have to keep adding and adding stuff. It’s like they have ADD. A lot of good things could happen if they would

I have to admit that I am simply amazed at the lack of logic from folks on the left.  They just leave me speechless.

This is the right take. Car companies, and life in general, is too serious. Have you seen the Ford add that goes something like: during COVID we took care of you by building ventilators so now you owe us, buy one of our miserable soul crushing CUVs. Do I agree with everything Musk does? No. Am I really glad that at

“The Bronco was in development long before Trump started mishandling a global pandemic.”

Assuming the protesters broke down the gate... it ceased being a peaceful protest. Violent property damage and trespassing. The protesters did trespass on the grass of the property owners. The road and the sidewalk may be a right-of-way but the grass is not.

Makes sense that the couple was scared that the crowd of 300

All protests are peaceful until one person decides to do something not peaceful. The peaceful protesters were already committing a crime (trespassing), a crowd of hundreds going past the gates, likely chanting something not very peaceful. The recent history of protests under that same banner included violence,

In gated communities, even the streets are private. It’s literally why gated communities are allowed to be gated. This is not a hard concept. The looters broke down a gate to get in to the private property.

Work on reading comprehension. It was a PRIVATE STREET. That is a thing. A mob going through private property chanting to burn it all down and similar inflammatory language certainly authorizes an armed response. While pointing a weapon is normally a provocative act, it certainly is not when threatened by a mob. That

The protestors were on private property. They had smashed open a gate that secured the private road and property. Duh. It was not a public thoroughfare. Not a crime to protect yourself and your property from a mob under the Castle Doctrine. Hint: The AV Club is not the place for accurate news. 

These people are dangerous lunatics. Someone needs to call the...

“This includes pipelines, which pose a risk to a risk to water, land, and human health. They also worsen climate change. Nonetheless, there is one good reason for you to be happy to see a pipeline.”

This is one of the most idiotic articles ever posted on Jalopnik.

I don’t think the Tesla Semi is meant for cross-country hauling, at least not the first iteration(s). More like hauling stuff from a local distribution center to local stores. Shorter-range trips, mostly.

Who said these trucks would be moving across the country? How many Semi’s commute relatively short distances such as deliveries from distribution centers? I honestly not sure of the numbers, but I’m sure there is a niche to fill in the short term as they work towards long distance solutions over the next decade or two.

One would think vehicles of 2040-2050 will not be using 2020 tech.

Don’t forget hair stylists and small business owners thrown in jail. Also not in jail, felons released due to COVID worries.  The world is so backwards.

LOL. The state of Minnesota’s executive branch is all DFL (Democratic-Farmer-Labor party). The city of Minneapolis is run by a DFL Mayor and majority DFL city council (I believe the other city council members are from the Green party). Unlike many other things, Trump can’t get the blame for this one.