Trent Hacker

Same as all the corporate statements and blackout pictures all over social media today. Does literally nothing but if you don’t do it, you’re a racist. 

Please be safe. Do not bring weapons. Do bring water. And a first aid kit. Help your neighbors. Remember that most of the cops out there right now are trying to keep the peace and protect the city. Don’t give the bad ones an excuse.

Gizmodo = CNN

Ding ding. But the splinter antifa rejects here will shout you down.

So, exercise free speech and have your life threatened?

Im sorry, I read that whole thing, and maybe I missed it, but what exactly is your solution?...

Classy response. And so utterly, totally stupid it makes me want to bash my head into a wall.
In case you’re not aware, Highway 101 is a major road. Cars zip up and down it all day long. From the video, it looked like that section was a divided four- or six-lane highway that would be closed to pedestrians. So the

So now what, just let them attack your family? That's fucking retarded.

That’s fucking dumb. Should he just sit there and let them tear into his vehicle and family? Once the group think hits the level of a riot, all of that level-headedness that you seem to think is going on there goes away. I would love to see you just sit there and not try and protect your family. What kind of a person

Why mention it? Because my county is only known for poverty and meth— or did you not read their comment? Compared to the rest of CA, perhaps you’re correct. Compared to the rest of the country, not even close. Poverty is mostly only a problem among the Hispanic, farm-laborer population.

Your numbers are bogus. Hard

What a stretch... Burn down any mom and pop businesses tonight for the cause Goob?

Oh fuck off asshole. people start breaking out my windows, damaging the vehicle, I’ll do what I have to in order to put distance between myself and the assholes.

This article does not cover three increasing common tactics by protesters:
1) surrounding people in their vehicles and then doing thousands of dollars in property damage often leading to:
2) dragging motorists who stop for them out of their vehicles and beating them and usually robbing them in the process.
3) Just

Oh I’m sorry, I forgot the rules. If rioters want to hurt you, destory your property, or burn down your business, it is only polite to give them free reign and let them have their way with you. Anything less is somehow supporting some cop in another state.

The power imbalance between someone in a vehicle and a pedestrian is tremendous. In the case of the Brooklyn events, protestors faced down a Ford Explorer Police Interceptor Utility, a vehicle that weighs in excess of three tons unloaded with more than three hundred horsepower under the hood. When aimed at

Well said. The cops you mentioned need to be fired and tried.
The mobs, though, have moved beyond the “protest” stage at this point. At best, they’re taking advantage of a situation to harm people who had nothing to do with what they’re supposedly angry about. At worst, they’re purposefully inciting civil unrest.

There was footage from one of the protests in San Jose where the protestors were blocking traffic on Highway 101. There was an SUV with a busted out back window, one person on the driver’s side kicking at the vehicle and trying to open the driver’s door, and another on the passenger’s side with a tire iron trying to

really..the cops fault...?.. let’s start at the beginning ..if Floyd did not choose to commit a Federal Felony by passing a counterfeit note, we would not be here would we? if he had chosen to be a law abiding citizen , we would not be here...he made a conscious decision to commit a felony... and I’m sure it’s the

Thank you. Of the first few comments that I’ve seen, I’m shocked at the high percentage of rational opinions. Usually Jalopnik is a cesspool of groupthink.
