Trent Hacker

I think the liberal media should be familiar with throwing tantrums.

Id rather be choking from coronavirus than from being smothered by a tyrannical government. 

If the Bloomberg article was “shit” this Gizmodo article is “ultra shit”... Maybe someone should write an article in the “middle” where they are neither trying to rip Musks zipper down, nor are they rambling on endlessly about what a shity person Musk is while they secretly seethe on the sidelines because they too

Agreed. I also immediately keyed in on at least one effort to skew the perception of an event by this writer who clearly doesn’t like him (ok) and needed the message to fit his viewpoint, accuracy be damned. I refer to the segment where he claims in the recent Rohan interview that musk said hospitals are overcounting

You really had to twist your words into pretzels to write some of this. I really love how you imply today on May 22 that Tesla employees were still facing a choice to break the law or get fired when you know damn well that Musk and Alemeda County came to an agreement that allowed Tesla to reopen on May 13. Criticise

We can admire Musk’s accomplishments and completely disagree with his bad habits and eccentricities at the same time. We can root for SpaceX and Tesla while strongly disapproving of some of the actions they take.

I cannot stress enough how bad and INCORRECT this take is.

You are mistaking the purpose of the stay and home orders, getting rid of the disease was never the goal. And a three week period is awfully short, it took two months in New Zealand and they could actually close their borders nearly completely, as they don’t rely on migrant labor for their local food production.

except for the people that are losing their homes/business/savings/jobs, yes except for those people, very popular.  I get it, we need to stop the pandemic, but you need money to live, and 1200 bucks does not go far.

They really do make them dumber in middle america.

Math time:

The Virus is not going anywhere. Hospitals are open, grocery stores are open, restaurants are open, gas stations are open. It matters very little if the entire country goes back to work. I am with Musk, they should be allow to restart their factories just like the rest of the auto industry. You all key warriors are

I am so proud of Musk and sick of the fear mongering and pandering to the graph laden panic producers. We can care for our sick and we are strangling our society. Give people the knowledge and tools to act responsibly and let them be working adults. 

Everything you said, seconded by me. Elon made the right call. 

If you think you can eradicate a virus like COVID-19 in less than multiple hundred years?

Careful, this is against the preferred narrative here.

Ok so how long do you stay locked down? How long can the country keep giving people money when there’s minimal amounts of taxes coming in? At the end of the day, the quarantine was not put in place to somehow magically make the virus disappear. It was put in place to make sure that the hospitals were not overcrowded.

So we sit at home for the next few years?

Always enjoy the class warfare nonsense in the comments section as well as in the articles themselves. Do you really think that people who have more money than they could spend in 10 lifetimes are worried about making more money? They do what they do because they enjoy it. And most people I know are anxious to be back

When neither proves viable, then what? A successful vaccine or treatment is far from a guarantee.