Trent Hacker

This is true, he is throwing a fit, but I think you miss where other manufacturing in CA is resuming today. The CA governor cleared the way, it’s just this particular county that the Tesla plant is in holding them back. Honda and Toyota are both back in limited capacity in CA starting today according to reports. If I

By most metrics, we’re doing better than a lot of our peers. France, Spain, UK, Ireland, Italy, all of these countries are doing relatively worse than us when it comes to cases/1 million, case fatality, etc.  US response wasn’t the best, but it certainly wasn’t uniformly terrible.

This is an atrociously false statement.

If we don’t open up more people can die

really? the US hasn’t “deployed public health strategies to fight the disease”? you can’t be serious... has everything worked? of course not. but that’s the case with every country’s strategy to one degree or another. “unprecedented times” is really understating what everyone is up against trying to fight this virus.

I think the main issue is the bay has far exceeded any other part of the state in shutdown. Most of the rural counties are opening and Newsom has relented on his stupid beach barriers. It all seems arbitrary and if I were the Muskrat I would be kicking myself for putting up with the Bay Area especially for heavy

Hasn’t every other manufacturer been given the green light to reopen? It hardly seems out of bounds for him to want to restart production.

Counterpoint: the government business assistance is inadequate to cover the losses from the shut down. Business owners everywhere are in full panic mode, especially small business.

I recently had two friends commit suicide because they could no longer provide for their families (I mean, they already had mental issues, but this pushed them over), meanwhile cops are out beating people for not social distancing, business owners getting locked up, courts releasing violent offenders.

For most of the

“So not only is Musk a Covid denier”

Except they likely are going to die. There have been several articles on Gizmodo about how this virus is here to stay and likely won’t be eradicated until we have a vaccine, which might not even happen.

Our government is broke. We’re lucky we received some stimulus.

You don’t know many rich people do you?

Sure, some of the hyper rich (net worths of $50M or more) may be winding down their careers and working less.  Or perhaps worse, living on intergenerational wealth without working at all.

But for those with net worths in the $5-10M range, or those clearing $300-750k annually in

this is socialism at best and communism at worst.  America was built on a free enterprise system and guaranteeing a basic income goes against that principle.  The vast majority of people work hard and earn what they have.  We do not want to encourage people to not work and guaranteeing an income w/o any guaranteed

If anyone knows of an honest politician, please share with the rest of us.

Neutral: I don’t expect to see a V-shaped curve because people who’ve lost income during this time will be recovering from that and not taking on additional debt.

No, getting services with my wallet is an adult’s solution to not relying on my ineffective government. You’re telling me you’d hand over all of these services to the current government? If not, then you’re a hypocrite. 

No, I’m not assuming that at all. We all know that’s not the case currently. I’d rather have choice instead of a poorly handled government entity though.

That’s assuming you have an adept government with the citizens interests in mind. 

What do these solar plants do at night? Do they have battery banks and/or ways to store excess power generated during the day?