Trent Hacker


“If God made you like that, you’d be pissin’ in your faces...”

Or big enough fins...

But it's for faster, so it's ok.

I actually like Cuttthroat Island. It’s a beautiful movie.


Blacker than Wesley Snipes?

What the hell is a jigawatt?

Wow. That’s ugly.

The screenshot made me think Gravity Falls was doing a BTTF episode. Disappointed.

I like mine because my legs start to hurt and cramp after an hour or so. I will stand until my knees get tired and then sit for awhile and on it goes. I had’t really thought of the health aspects. It’s just more comfortable for me.

Impressive. No, mind blowing.

Gadget level: Asian

Oh my fake.

Thought for sure that was his daughter. Wow.

I didn’t see any mention of a gizmo in this article.

Is that Sweets?
