Trent Hacker

I'm still not sure how to use the shells.

Looks super annoying unless I'm on drugs. Then it's only slightly annoying.

Can't wait to see it in an issue of DuPont Registry in 20 years with a bajillion dollar asking price.

True. Still, at first glance, I instantly thought Caravan.

Caravan. Look at the headlights.

So cool! I’d love to do that with the old Panasonic tape player I had as a kid. Listened to many a Read-Along cassettes with that thing.

Sasquatch be trolling.

Should be call the “Bankruptcy Olympics”. The amount of money spent on Olympic venues is insane.


My poor 2007 Mazda 3 got sandwiched two weeks ago. Thank jeebus I had just dropped my son off right before. How bout it Mazda?

I lived down the road from Rickenbacker AFB outside of Columbus, OH. I used to ride my bike down to the rear access gate of the main runway to watch planes land. One summer, there was a big airshow there. I woke up on Thursday morning to the sound of jets buzzing the house (much louder than normal). The Angels were

Yet someone took video....with their phone.

Mad Max approves.

No. At least, not yet.

Test runs. Watching responses and counter measures.

Yeah and I probably will see it because, Terminator. Though, the more footage I see, the more it looks like another 'too much shitty cgi' movie.

There is Terminator 1 & 2. No more. No less.

Maverick, burnt out as a Top Gun instructor, finds a new love in motor sports. Starts with sprint cars and eventually lands a ride in nascar... (This sounds familiar, hmm)

What’s the world’s tallest steak taste like?