
Last things to check, was everybody using the same system of measurement? Are all the wires that have a polarity hooked up right? Any ground loops or cold joints? New batteries? Did everybody use the bathroom?

I always imagined Will Ferrell spent his off time sitting a room drunk, alternating between yelling and crying, “I’m Will fucking Ferrell”

Dave is many things, dumb is not one.

They keep putting up signs, but people keep dying...

like the 95% I’ve ever seen that carry nothing heavier than a mattress...

3.5e Forever!

The should build a new bridge over the old bridge

You never had a chance, like all assholes, no amount of proof will get them to admit they are wrong and you are right, especially if your a POC. Cops, managers, administrators, landlords; all those jobs seem to attract a particular kind of prick. 

This is stupid. Nintendo spent and cost us the tax payer more money than this dude made on his stupid site selling shit you can torrent in 5 min... For zero logical reason, anybody going to stop making roms? Did anybody stop pirating music or porn?

What those toes do?!?

I’m sure 10s of people tested it, I’m sure its great...

Dude’s face...

I used to bring those up when I needed a laugh, best Amazon reviews ever.  I considered leaving a giant bowl in the break room of my school... Too many cameras, everyone would have known it was me anyway...

100% a better movie, my wife spent all night wondering if it would ever end and had to go to be to escape it.

I’ve heard, from a friend, that not only should it be longer, but also wider.

I think a lot of these problems would be solved if everybody of every gender, color, race, ethnicity, Everybody, realized that they are entitled to and deserve absolutely nothing. Every single one of us is meaningless matter doing meaningless things for a period of time that will end in the future. And every single

The police were probably hoping they could find something or get one of the shoppers to say something, or do something, that would allow them to take further action.  Only after hours of trying did they have to admit that they were innocent, they must not have had any crack to sprinkle on them.

Hypocrisy is what Christianity is all about. I’ve never met a Christian who actually understands and follows Christs teaching.  Anyways, any religion that won’t accept me wanking to my neighbors wife is no true religion. :)

The mom will likely go to her grave believing that she was the victim in all this...

I was a cook for years before I began teaching. This woman should be jailed. (/s but just barely ;) )