
She may have lost Emma but she did get the woman who played Cally on BSG, which is a pretty crappy consolation prize.

and the King is a dog. I’m sure our calendars line up easily.

Thats just a heated discussion, the actual war is about which is better, Sub or Dub.

Actually Son Goku’s birthday was April 31st, 737

Damn, my loop only gives me 54 minutes to sit on the couch between 9 and 10 o’clock.

This doesn’t look like anything to me.

It must been his spirit who visited me last night and asked for Just Ice.

Wow, you need help

Annie is pretty young, we try not to sexualize her.

Like the guy in the $3000 pants is gonna reply to this thread, come on!


I would like to offer my Scab services to Onion Inc. I charge by the word and gifs are 50 cents each but I’ll knock it down to 48 cents because were friends. I also can take most of your staff in a bare knuckle boxing match so they can’t intimidate me or run me off... Except LaToya Ferguson, if she comes after me I am

D.A.R.E to give yourself diabetes and heart disease

and just that fast Wendy’s is back to being the least cool fastfood joint.

Stop telling me what to do AV Club, your not my real dad!

For me it was probably the AV Club. I have been reading the Onion forever so I have always known about the AV Club and probably read my first AV Club article 20 years ago. But it was never a site I frequented, feeling it was a place for Film and TV snobs and social maladjusts. Maybe five years ago I had an epiphany

Well that was... really disappointing.

sigh, it always comes down to Transubstantiation vs Consubstantiation 

That is why I put 20 on him