Tremec, + 1 Yugo (aka the Blugo)

I live in the East End, work in Montrose, and spend most of my time in the neighborhoods near downtown Houston. I’ve never seen a yard sign for Cruz inside the loop. Ton of Beto signs though, including mine.

You are correct, my friend just custom ordered an Alltrack with a six speed manual.

Annoying millennial job titles, ranked:

I thought the Legacy and Forester were CVT-only now?

As far as Mustang, Corvette, Camaro, and Challenger go, that’s true. But now that Ford has killed all non-Mustang cars, there really isn’t anything else. Many buyers need and want a practical vehicle with a manual transmission, so two door sports or “pony” cars aren’t going to work.

There was something therapeutic about the constant drone of the entire powertrain whenever I would floor the accelerator. The day when the transmission exploded at 60k miles was the saddest day of my life.”

At this point, enthusiasts wanting a new vehicle with a 3rd pedal are getting funneled to only a handful of auto manufacturers: Mazda, Honda, FIAT, etc.

You take that back! Yugos at least have a lot of character: spare tire in the engine bay, passenger door that opens to 90 degrees, transverse leaf spring rear suspension, etc. They are a great example of practical engineering with an emphasis on utilization of space and access. 

As someone about a year and a half older than Rooney, I’m going to have to ask that you to stop calling him “Old Man.”

Are the issues we all know might come up later today” regarding Guice the fact that his ACLs are apparently made of string cheese?

I like to think that they’re the same people who root for dynastic teams like the Yankees, Lakers, Patriots, etc. despite no connection to the city/region.

Now playing

This should be required viewing for everyone.

One of the linebackers went MIA.”

The thought of my Yugo being burdened by an automatic transmission is very scary.

Buy a different car that does offer it as an option. Don’t give up so easily!

I wish the world would love it a lot less, so I could actually justify buying another one to replace my old 1985 GT-S liftback I had to sell nearly ten years ago.

My 1985 GT-S liftback was about three different shades of red, so it was even faster.

Also a good point.

For the record, I made a Magary-Darnold joke like a week ago in the comment section on Dom’s article about Darnold’s rookie contract but nobody saw it because I’m banished to the greys.

It’s still in relatively close proximity to the track. Maybe a four hour drive? He probably has a vacation home in the Hamptons, which is where he was going/coming from when he was arrested.