Tremec, + 1 Yugo (aka the Blugo)

Marisnick sat out for two games immediately after the suspension was handed down. I believe the pending appeal is just for his normal compensation for those two games.

As a lifelong Astros fan, this has been tough to watch for Jake. He is a stand-up dude who plays hard 100% of the time. He’s a tall, big guy (6’4”, 220 lbs) who is one of our fastest base runners and routinely makes amazing plays in center field due primarily to his speed.

Joe Biden Brain Status: Swiss Cheese

Hello, fellow Houstonian. I have the opposite commute as you (live near downtown, work in Montrose) and would definitely get use out of these scooters. It would help me get to and from light rail stops efficiently enough to make the trip only marginally longer than just driving.

That’s just the City of Houston though. She is the Harris County Judge (a more or less equivalent position to mayor for a city) and represents all of Harris County—which includes Houston. Total population of the county is approximately 4.6 million, and demographics from the 2010 census indicate that 14.3% belong to

Artificially-created relationship done as a PR stunt. Her role is as his “beard” to quell the rumors that Booker prefers the company of men.

Exactly this. Literally every other Dem who has thrown their hat in the ring so far is severely lacking in the charisma department. Warren is too rigid/awkward, Bernie too angry and kinda unhinged, Klobuchar is weird and mumbly, etc. The only ones who come close to having any semblance of inherently-electable

He is.

I think every single person who writes a submission for the Texans’ WYTS entry for next year (so, like all eight of us) should end it with:

Like Trump even knows what “prerogative” means—much less how to spell it. 

This guy gets un-greyed and gets to post like a gazillion comments on one article, but I’m still stuck here in the greys after years of occasional solid contributions.

Who did a better job: the person who administered the horse tranquilizer on an obviously subdued Angry Orange Baby, or the mortician who prepped Schumer and Pelosi?

9-7/10-6 and an early exit in the playoffs is the Texans’ ceiling with O’Brien at the controls. They need an offensive-minded coach to make the most of Watson before he’s squandered away.

As a Texans fan since the beginning, I think I can safely say that this year’s team is good, but that 10-4 record is due in large part to our last place schedule. If we had a tougher schedule, we’d maybe be 7-7 or 8-6 at this point.

Well damn, hope he’s ok.

A fact-checking article on NPR is claiming that the families with children were not part of the group which was targeted with tear gas by CBP officers, but that the tear gas still found its way to them due to it being carried by the wind:

Given the fact that he’s obviously gained weight, he’s that much closer to morphing into Kevin from The Office—especially with that stupid ass smirk on his face.

Based on that lead photo (and every other picture I’ve seen of either of them), both of those fuckers are in desperate need of a decent tailor. Jesus.
