Tremec, + 1 Yugo (aka the Blugo)


All of the left turn jokes (which would normally be very topical) are ignoring the fact that this occurred after one of only a couple of road course races on the calendar.


“We Rent Goats” is obviously a company owned and operated by the LA Lakers.

And ever lowered truck from the latter group has a giant-ass version of this sticker on the back window:

I also made the cut and am moderately interested in determining whether I too need to update my resume.

That picture is an amazing display of white awkwardness.

My fear is that there is a lot more to this and, by signing Osuna, the Astros have—in making one ill-advised decision—ruined the massive amounts of goodwill they earned across the vast majority of the country by eliminating the Red Sox, Yankees, AND Dodgers in a single postseason.

It’s normally something I would handle myself as well, but the car is still under warranty so I prefer to have the paper trail that dealership ROs provide in case there ever was a dispute as to whether something would be covered.

Good call. I use a second-hand one of these (which my friend used in his Stealth for years) in my Yugo with the factory cassette player, because it’s a Yugo and doesn’t deserve a brand new one.

Rear pads, front pads, or both?

“a level of diligence and professionalism that would make Lenny Briscoe proud”

Very happy to see Tweety Bird that far down the list. Easily the worst Looney Tunes character ever.

Agree completely. I begrudgingly call my brother his new name because that’s what he wants.

As the brother of someone who legally changed his name to something exceedingly stupid in the interest of garnering attention and furthering his “career” as an “artist”, I think the people in this bracket who voluntarily and legally changed their name to something exceedingly stupid (for attention, to “be unique”, as

Found Young Woody Harrelson’s doppelgänger. Even the facial expression is the same.

Article about a meh Buick from the 1980s features ads for the meh-est Buick of today.

Who the hell likes to vacuum?”

If the Dolphins were smart about this, the punishment for protesting the anthem would be mandatory attendance of a Miami Marlins game.