
It’s funny how pissed you are because of the Switch reveal. I mean, have a look at your comment history. It’s just salt and insults right now.

well maybe the Crown should have charged him with assault and false imprisonment. It is directly on the video.

This one sucked all around to read. But, this case remains a good example of why I’m extremely skeptical of the “Believe every accusation made and never question anything” modern progressive stance on sexual assault allegations. Erdely followed that theory to a T. It’s just ripe for unscrupulous people to take

Missed opportunity... Should’ve called it Nintendo sWiitch!

Are you seriously pissing and moaning about the prospect of a portable playing a PS4 game at “only” 30 fps?

The heck? All of the video in this was obviously added in post, professionally, more showing off the concept of the system than its capabilities. The framerate was fine.

I’m actually quite saddened by the offset thumbsticks. I’m a DS4 yeah.

Anyone else notice that the frame rate looks like garbage on the Zelda demo at the beginning?

Good ole Nintendo, they never learned after releasing the Nintendo Cuck in 1994...

Unfortunately, getting rid of Chief Wahoo only highlights the Indians’ larger issue—that the block C blows.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

It’s amazing that Florida somehow has three NFL franchises, and they’re all consistently terrible.

We don’t get jackets, just brown paper bags to wear over our heads :(

As a Lions fan, I am hoping we can get some company in the 0-16 club.

I imagine his number one and two sources of news back in 2005 were ET and Access Hollywood.”

A lot of people have assumed this but it’s too early for viral marketing for that movie. Plus they interviewed Stephen King and he reminded everyone this happened back in ‘81 also.

Actually first they came for the mimes but everyone was pretty okay with that.

They came first for the clowns, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a clown...

It's hard to make out, but that amorphous blue thing is supposed to be a wildcat