
Not even remotely the same.

How did I miss this? I watched most of the stream live.

I’ve always loved the opening, hostage rescue and ending of that movie.

Now you know how us Ghostbuster fans felt.

“Thanks Obama” lost its hateful power quickly and is really just a joke/meme.

Because she chose to spend her time and energy responding to nearly every troll or “racist” on Twitter. Her thoughts on white people are troubling considering her stereotyped roles on SNL. Then called out to Twitter directly blaming Milo for his fans being dickheads. Hundreds of faceless followers were involved on

Link to blog?

Protect the younglings!

She needs to stop feeding them by responding in a such a loud manner. She is playing into their preception of her being uneducated and a one-trick pony.

Nobody cares about SA anymore.

What video is that from.

I really liked the original movie costumes, sure they were pieces of crap in real for the actors. However they’re cool and look like they are armored instead of being lycra/spandex.

Don’t you say such horrible things....breakfast Crunchwrap shall live!

SONY, stop. Just fucking stop. First you hire the worst people to make your reboot that nobody wanted then you say there will be other Ghostbusters things. They dissapeared, now you want to do the 90's cliche and force everything into the future. Nobody asked for this, give us the same old stuff with good writers like

Your husband threw a hissy fit. He threw his binky at the adults.

Have you actually been on Reddit or know anything about James Rolfe?

Way to play strawman.

I drive by this often, now I know why there are barely any cars in the parking lot.

Watch it.

Dude is Furry and has been banned from a few other automotive fourms.