
A Pioneer Elite Kuro? That's so last decade, the last ever batch of Panny plasmas curbstomped that ancient TV!

Ha, Jimmy Fallon got nothing on Colbert when he left his first show!

I have mixed feelings about this, I never liked "any" of the Godzilla movies put out by Toho post-Godzilla 2000. They were too hyper-kinetic, full of half-baked CGI, cardboard characters and worst of all a declining lack of details in the miniatures.

Why, oh why can't they hack that asshole who is going to ruin the Ghostbusters franchise with his dumbass ideas too? Maybe it'll dissuade him from working with SONY Pictures and their dumbassesz!

I really wanted to see someone get eaten alive, but even I could tell that they had no chance because of succeeding. The Anacaonda was just too small and the subject that would be ingested needs to be relatively skinny to compensate for all the added mass of the armor.

They get ride of my Bacon Clubhouse Burger like the awesome Sweet Chilli Sauce, I will never eat there again.