
I typically type my notes but the hardest thing is when a chart or picture is presented, I have to pull out a piece of paper to jot it down. I'd love to just have a tablet that I can draw the image right into my typed notes. Maybe once the cash flow increases, that would be my best bet for note taking.

I'm waiting for the Courier. (psst, MS make the courier please, and make it as good as the concept videos)

@konaa: Oh, I've played it. I loved it. I just don't have it anymore, don't knwo where the disk is. The sad part is, I never finished the game, got stuch in the circus tent platforming section near the end and forgot to go back to it.

I loved the original Red Faction on the PS2, but did Guerrilla perform well enough to get a sequel? I haven't had a chance to play it yet but was this game worth continuing on? Let me know.

I really think the price drop and the PS3 slim are finally getting the sales that Sony expected. Hopefully they can keep this up and use revenues to invest in some great titles.

Psychonauts was/is a great game. It had an interesting plot, humor, good platforming, character development, and just some great craziness that make a game so much fun. I hope it drops in price again, although the current 9.99 price tag isn't too bad.

I wish I knew this a while ago, there's been a bag of marshmallows sitting right next to the brown sugar for months. My wife and I made cookies earlier this week and had to chisel out the sugar. Thanks LH for the great tip!

I'm a big Trek fan but I'm afraid if I buy this life will be over. There's a reason I've never gotten into MMOs, well besides monthly fees, because my wife would probably leave me, I'd flunk out of Grad School, and lose my job. Granted this doesn't appear to be EverCrack but I just don't know.

So does this mean that Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty is just going to disappear? This game was only available as a downloadable game. Come on Sony, don't let XBox drag you down. Users don't pay for PSN so would probably be willing to pay a little extra for an online game. :(

@yuzan: I totally agree. The Courier, based on the videos we've seen, is a bigger advancement in computing/notebook technology than the iMaxi is. Let's face it, the iPad is a big iPhone. I'm sure the fanboys will be all over it.

@taniquetil: I'm a member of team 111065, folding@EVGA. They have cash discount incentives for their online store if you get enough points. Teams aside, [] is a great site to see your folding stats and progression. IMO, it makes you want to improve efficiency or try harder when you can

@thoughtstorms: XP 64 was a POS when it was released and the updates really didn't make a difference. Vista did a good job with x64 but sadly, it is still Vista.

@NotDone: I run eclipse in a wide screen layout all of the time. Its great for seeing the entire line of code in one line instead of broken up amongst multiple lines. Also, if you stretch it correctly, you can have multiple editor windows open, one on each monitor, or a console and editor, or any number of

I'm excited about this product. Not only do you have the tablet LCD PC on one side, you have the eReader on the other which can also be written on for note taking and such. And the price, not too bad. I'm sure its much cheaper than the Apple tablet or the MS Courier will be upon release.

@Eruanno: Seriously there was definitely a choice missing in the poll, I chose to take "I can't decide" as "More, Large Screen"

@leahzero: I used to live right outside of Chicago and Comcast was terrible. Their service went out all of the time, their customer service was horrible, and their product was at too high a price. I was quite upset when they took over the local cable company at U of I because the quality of care just plummeted.

@Kraken: Glad I'm not the only one who thought of that. I'm guessing maybe it logs the GPS location, iPhone has a GPS right?, then when it has a signal, sends out the info. If infact this data actually goes somewhere and isn't to make people feel like they are working on the problem.