
@nick's after the gnarly necter.. 800.: It's pretty common for porn sites to be flooded with malware and viruses, especially when downloading porn, who's to say it isn't laced with Trojans, no pun intended. If he wants to look at porn, its his right, just do it at home, he's putting the entire school network at risk.

@f33dth3machin3001: They probably also hired you to run them efficiently. Running SETI or folding taxes those systems to the max, not only is the electrical bill spiking but most likely the life of the system is being dramatically decreased. Your perk is getting to use the computers to do some online shopping on your

@Bertone77: Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for!

Does anyone have a list to see what the categories were? I'm curious to see what Verizon excelled at and AT&T sucked at, especially since I have AT&T.

@Michael Scrip: I was trying to be sarcastic but my experiences with buying computers from Best Buy has been bad. They try to sell you something you don't need, the Geek Squad is terrible, and their prices are over inflated. If you are buying any of those names brands you listed, buy them right from the vendor, the

-AVG Free

@dantheman12: If you are doing java development Eclipse is by far one of the best IDE's out there. It's pretty simple if you are developing any command line apps, swing guis, applets, or other common java types. It compiles on the fly to tell you if your code has problems and allows you to run the application right

So I'm trying to use AutoHotKey but the WinWait, -Mozilla Firefox doesn't seem to work, anyone have any luck with this? #windows

@thebigcheese: Most problems you would find would be evident within the first couple of months. If you are buying products from a reliable manufacturer, their warranties are usually good for a year and they will replace things, no problem. #warranties

@scokar: The only time that may be true is if your PSU goes crazy and fries everything. Otherwise, he's one of the Geek Squad mindless, screw you over, drones. #warranties

miniature schnauzers, they might not be big, but they pack one hell of a heat source. My wife just curls up on the couch with one or both of the dogs and she is set. #heating

@jeffk: NOOOOO, don't use glass. Your knife will turn to crap in a week. If you are that germaphobic, get some of those cheap flexible cutting boards and toss them, better yet, get a somewhat decent plastic board for meat/fish and put it in the dishwasher. The environment in there is so hostile, almost nothing can

@hardcache: You know those recent commercials with Verizon coverage beating AT&T and ridiculous. I have AT&T and generally have great service, every once in a while you hit a dead spot. A couple of friends have Verizon and its great on the East coast, sucks in the Midwest, and is alright on the west cost. The map

I just read a post somewhere, can't seem to find it now, maybe gizmodo that had several security options like this for returning items. One had a super adhesive label on it with a unique id, a phone number, and the promise of a reward. Wonder how effective it is? #cellphones

Although this is a bit off-topic from the article, I've heard very good things about MSE. I had a poll going on another site over what AV software everyone was using. Many people came back saying they used MSE. Most of these guys are system builders and take performance as the #1 priority, MS must have done something

I was told in my computer security class in college that a 3-pass 1 0 eraser does the job just as well as anything else. Every swipe after 3, the probability of being able to recover the data stays the same. Anyone else heard this? #harddrives

Wouldn't one of those "Magic Wallets" do the same thing, just with cool, mind boggling, folding straps action. Plus, isn't running your credit card strip across a metal clip going to take the ribbon off, bit by bit (pun intended). Just having two credit cards next to each other in my wallet, jacks them up. #wallets