
Besides the normal sex-ed in high school, the day before I left for college I found a condom on my pillow. I had no idea where it came from. The next day as we are driving down to school, my dad asks if I got what he left for me. That was the end of that subject.

I'm in the same boat. We have to work a minimum of 40 hours each week. The first 5 hours of overtime are free to the company. Sometimes we get half of the remaining hours over 45, but that's if you've put in enough unpaid overtime prior to that.

24" Dell with VGA? You won't be able to get decent resolution with that old analog standard. Also, 16:10, why would that even be considered. That one will be gone in a year as almost all of the monitors are conforming to the industry standard of 16:9.

I'd be more concerned with..."You took the warhead out, right?"

I own the Antec 900 and absolutely love it. However, when I finally have enough money for a water cooled PC, its gonna be an 800D or HAF-X for me. Both are outstanding cases. I built my wife's PC with the Corsair 500R, very similar to the 600 without the extra cost. These are all great cases.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

that's pretty cool but wouldn't it be much easier to do something like the scene-it games for consoles? Just provide controllers that connect to your home entertainment system and then put in a disk.

Did the guy who checked on him just close the door hoping it would all go away?

I'm sorry but I see this as more of a ploy for one company to control the market. It limits any of the small players who could provide some innovation and leaves it up to the big dogs. Unfortunately the big dogs are in a comfortable position with what they have and probably won't try very hard. I think the US patent

Did Samsung violate some of Apple's patents? Apparently the jury believe so. Should Apple have been granted patents for some of those things in the first place? HELL NO!!! Wait, I'm going to file to patent three exclamation points in a row and then I'll attack the entire internet if they use my patented look. The

According to one of the police reports, there were explosives found in his car. And their initial report said a fully automatic weapon and two pistols.

I've discovered that if I don't connect my Kindle to the internet, it doesn't know the book has expired and I can read it until i'm done. :)

Are they only releasing season 1? When does season 2-7 get released, I just want to buy them as one box set.

Also annoying. You can't delete the Facebook email address from your account in the Add/Remove Email Addresses section.

I concur. Still using WinAMP and haven't considered anything else.

Pretty sure Canada is still using the pixel uniform.

Anybody have an idea on how the display on this compares to the Captivate (Galaxy S)? The screen is great in the daylight, even before I rooted it and put on a different kernel.

I don't know what it is like on other consoles but the pre-load to the next episode for TV series on PS3 is way too big. Right now the next episode picture is 50% of the screen space, if the show has something going on during the credits, you can hardly see it. They need to have an enable/disable feature option or

The video says to put the folders in front of the ears, this is totally contrast in the article.

Me too, loved the first game thought it would just get better. Trailers looked amazing and I was so sorely disappointed.