"Act like a grown up!" Yells the tantrum throwing man-baby.
I see gold and white. I showed my husband and he saw black and blue. We are considering divorce over this issue.
I thought he did a great job! I'm kind of mad at the audience for interrupting him before the very end.
I read somewhere that humans taste like pork. Do your research Eddie... #soylentgreendoesnottastelikechicken
I think that positive attitudes in the work place is infectious, so I can see why there is a trend towards trying to hire people based on a "love" of their job. There is nothing worse than being surrounded by surly co-workers who are just there to make $$$.
I don't know... I'm constantly hearing people gush about how much they love Bacon. He's so hot and savory, they say.
I'm not going to hate. Collectively, people tend to be real dick weeds and the booing is bullshit. She obviously isn't going to sign an autograph for everyone at a red carpet event. If you want an autograph go to Comic-Con and stand in line like the rest of us nerds. Flip away Miss Banks!
It's his dirt crystal, which may or may not resemble a cat anus.
Check out the pic that I posted... We totally had the same idea!
I'm always on the prowl for books to read. What Victoria Holt books do you recommend?
Why 50 Shades of Lame when there are Anne Rice books?
Somebody needs to buy her a tongue scraper...